Page 10 - BV14
P. 10
The House of Jacob
It is logical to say, then, that the Kingdom over which Yeshua the Messiah is to reign forever is
the Kingdom of YEHOVAH. The stone to which Daniel refers is the EMBLEM of that Kingdom. With
these statements no reasonable person can disagree. But the angel clearly told Mary that the Kingdom
over which Yeshua the Messiah is to reign forever is "the House of Ya'akov [Jacob]." Of this Kingdom
-- the House of Jacob -- the angel said there would be no end, and Daniel wrote that the Stone King-
dom would endure forever. Therefore, based on the statements made by the angel concerning the
House of Jacob, and in conjunction with the statement of Daniel concerning the Stone Kingdom, this 5th
kingdom of Daniel can be none other than the House of Jacob! Surely it is as logical to expect as lit-
eral and exact a fulfillment of the final statements of the angel to Mary as we have seen in the first por-
tion of the angel's declaration. Yeshua the Messiah was born to be a King so the angel declared: 1st)
YEHOVAH will give to him the throne of his father David; 2nd) he will reign over the House of Jacob
forever; 3rd) of his Kingdom (the House of Jacob) there shall be no end.
The Little Stone
Let us carefully notice the angel's declaration that Yeshua the Messiah was to RULE OVER
THE HOUSE OF JACOB FOREVER. This makes the little stone of Daniel the emblem of the House
of Jacob. Does history supply us with the evidence that YEHOVAH God of Heaven did set up a king-
dom and that it was the House of Jacob? We find that at Mount Sinai in Arabia YEHOVAH God did
indeed organize a kingdom, circa 1487 B.C.:
And Moses went up to God. The LORD called to him from the mountain, saying, "Thus
shall you say to the House of Jacob and declare to the children of Israel: 'You have seen
what I did to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to Me.
Now then, if you will obey Me faithfully and keep My covenant, you shall be My treas-
ured possession among all the peoples. Indeed, all the earth is Mine, but you shall be to
Me a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS AND A HOLY NATION.' These are the words that you
shall speak to the children of Israel" (Exodus 19:3-6, Tanakh).
The History of the Kingdom
At Mount Sinai the House of Jacob was organized into the Kingdom of YEHOVAH upon
earth. The facts of that organization are clearly presented in the 19th and 20th chapters of Exodus --
and only the person who shuts his eyes and closes his mind to reality will deny this fact. In the Bible --
as well as in secular records -- we can follow the history of that kingdom. In 970-969 B.C. the House
of Israel revolted from the rule of Solomon's son, and from that day forward the Kingdom was divided
into TWO PARTS. During the years from 914 to 853 B.C. Israel's power and fame were greatly re-
duced and by 740 B.C. the first Assyrian invasion of the land of Israel led to the removal and captivity
of the half-tribe of Mannasseh. By 721-719 B.C. Samaria was captured and the great captivity of the