Page 6 - BV14
P. 6
1) The smiting "Stone" was to destroy the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome -- at
the height of their power -- and not at the end of the Christian dispensation. How could YEHOVAH's
Kingdom destroy Babylon when it was overthrown over 500 years before Yeshua?
2) In Nebuchadnezzar's dream there is nothing in that dream to indicate that this 5th kingdom is any dif-
ferent physically from the four kingdoms of the image -- except that it had a Divine origin and a Divine
destiny. It was not purely a spiritual kingdom only.
3) It is true that Yeshua is "the stone which the builder's rejected," and he also is the "head of the cor-
ner," but he also indicated that the "smiting stone" was based on a NATION -- not on himself! Notice
what Matthew 21:33-46 says. This is the Parable of the Husbandmen. The owner of this vineyard left it
in the care of husbandmen and, at the time of the harvest, sent his servants to collect his share of the
fruit. But the husbandmen maltreated and killed the servants and even slew the owner's own son. Ye-
shua here was plainly referring to the Jews (his listeners) who had the Temple and the Law in their midst
and alone remained as his servants or husbandmen. Yet the Jews had slain YEHOVAH's prophets --
and were now about to crucify the Messiah, the Son of YEHOVAH. Yeshua then went on to drive
home to his listeners the fact that they were the wicked husbandmen of the parable, which they quickly
realized, for "the chief priests and Pharisees...perceived that he spoke of them." Let's now compare the
following verses --
Matthew 21:43 -- "Therefore, I tell you that the Kingdom of God will be taken away
from you and given to the kind of people that will produce its fruit!"
Daniel 2:34 -- "As you continued looking, a stone was cut out by no human hand and it
struck the image on its feet of iron and clay and broke them in pieces."
Matthew 21:44 -- "Whoever falls on this stone will be broken in pieces; but if it falls on
him, he will be crushed to powder!"
Daniel 2:35 -- "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold all together
were broken in pieces and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floor; and the
wind carried them away, so that no trace of them could be found."
In this parable Yeshua quoted from the Book of Daniel and his prophecy, to show that the
"Stone" was a NATION -- and that "whoever falls on this stone will be broken in pieces." Yeshua was
not referring to himself as the "stone," but the NATION Israel. Up until this time the Jews had been the
"husbandmen" of the Kingdom but, because of their rejection of him as their prophesied Messiah, they
were to loose that privilege.
The Jews were descendants of the House of Judah, which comprised of two tribes -- namely
Judah and Benjamin. The House of Israel, on the other hand, was formed of the other ten tribes. Al-
though it is often thought that the Jews are descendants of all the 12 tribes, the Jews themselves make it
quite clear today that they are descendants of Judah and Benjamin ONLY. We can now understand