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Just What Is the "Stone
Kingdom" of Daniel 2?
For many years the Churches of God have claimed that the stone that strikes
the image of Daniel 2 is Yeshua the Messiah at his second coming -- but is
this true? Does the Bible really teach this? Once again YEHOVAH's people
have been led astray by false ministers and those who claim to be prophets in
our midst! The Bible clearly teaches that the "Stone Kingdom" of Daniel 2 is
the House of Israel -- which is none other than the Kingdom of God set up
by YEHOVAH at Mount Sinai!
John D. Keyser
In Daniel, Chapter 2, we read about the famous dream of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon.
This dream was more like a nightmare, so the king called in his astrologers to interpret his dream -- but
they all failed. This resulted in an order to slay all the wise men in Babylon, and this would include Daniel
and his personal Jewish friends.
However, upon seeking YEHOVAH God in prayer, Daniel was given the same dream, but this
time accompanied by the interpretation -- which he then explained to Nebuchadnezzar. The prophet
described the revelation from YEHOVAH, showing that FOUR great Gentile Empires must rise and
successfully rule the world of that time, and dominate Palestine during Israel's dispersion.
Daniel then recalled to Nebuchadnezzar that in his dream he had seen an image of a man com-
posed of FOUR METALS, and each metal represented an Empire. These Empires would follow one
upon the other, and would appear as follows --
1) BABYLON -- Illustrated by GOLD, the then ruling power, and ended in 538 B.C.
2) MEDO-PERSIA -- Formed of SILVER, and described in Daniel 5:28, but ended in 336 B.C.
3) GREECE -- Formed of BRASS, and outlined in Daniel 8:21, and ended in 62 B.C.
4) ROME -- Formed of IRON, described in Daniel 2:40, and ended in 476 A.D., as the Pagan Ro-
man Empire. It was immediately succeeded by the Papal Roman Empire in 533 A.D.