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more concisely what Yeshua meant, as we read his statement to the Jews in light of these facts. Notice
Matthew 21:43 --
Therefore I say unto you [Jews of the House of Judah], the Kingdom of God shall be
taken from you and given to a nation [House of Israel -- Britain and the U.S.] bringing
forth the fruits thereof.
In spite of all their faults and failings, Britain and the U.S. are "bringing forth the fruits thereof" by
sending out missionaries and Bibles throughout the world -- more than any other country. And -- more
importantly -- they have not denied the Messiah! The Jews of the House of Judah are still in unbelief,
and still reject Yeshua as their Messiah.
In the Days of Those Kings
The fact that the stone smashes the image by physical contact is further proof that is must also
represent a kingdom which has a physical presence upon the earth. The fact of the matter is that not
one shred of evidence exists in Daniel to justify the idea that the prophet in any way intended to portray
the first four kingdoms as representing earthly governments but that the fifth was not of the earth -- being
entirely spiritual. Let's follow Daniel's explanation and see if we can further identify this 5th world em-
pire, or Stone Kingdom. Daniel clearly states the very time when the 5th kingdom would be organized.
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never
be destroyed...(Daniel 2:44).
Ferrar Fenton renders it this way --
But in the days of those kings, the God of Heaven will establish an Everlasting Empire,
and Indestructible.
The Feet of the Image
Just who are the kings in whose days YEHOVAH God of Heaven would set up a kingdom?
Many in the Churches of God who spiritualize the Kingdom jump right off the track at this point and tell
us that it is in the days of the ten kings represented by the toes of the image that the Kingdom will -- ac-
cording to them -- be set up when Yeshua returns to rule Israel. Then -- and not until then -- they say,
the entire image will be destroyed. Now if this interpretation were true, the stone should be shown as
hitting the toes of the image, not its feet. Daniel indicates, however, that not only the toes but the feet of
the image were made of clay and iron and definitely states that the stone struck the feet of the image
(Daniel 2:34). This one fact alone completely invalidates the contention and arguments of these spiritual-
izers that the stone is to appear when the nations represented in the ten toes are about to come to their