Page 39 - BV17
P. 39
Hope of Israel Mail Bag 39
One important point about the idea of Sola Scriptura. That Dear Kiwihope:
is the idea of turning to the Bible alone for truth. That pol-
icy is itself not in the Bible. In fact throughout the Bible I just wanted to thank you for your information on the
God comes to men in dreams and leads them with proph- prayer Shawls (Talis or Tallit) and other stuff on your
ets. Where in the Bible do you have people looking site, it was very informational and helpful to myself
through ancient texts to see what their spiritual ancestor’s and others.
As an ex-Catholic I think Lent is a great spiritual practice. F.
Fasting and prayers are important to spirituality.
Conspiracies? Yes, most definitely. In the 1800s the cur-
rent pope forbade Catholics from being Freemasons. From Dear Mr. Keyser,
then on some believe, it was the intent of the Freemasons
to infiltrate the church. Some recent events suggest that is Thank you for The Berean Voice and for sending me
happening. the book by Jonathan David Brown Keeping
Yahweh’s Appointments.
I would be very appreciative if you would send me any
COMMENT: I find your reasoning totally bizarre. other articles you have. I saw two in the Mail Bag that
YEHOVAH God does not take pagan holidays and make sound interesting Did the Apostle Peter Ever Visit
them Christian! December 25 was originally pagan -- and Rome? and Joseph and the Engineering Wonders of
still is! Yeshua the Messiah was not born anywhere near Egypt.
that time of year. Not only that, but the Bible indicates we
should not observe the Messiah’s birthday -- or anyone Your faithfully,
else’s for that matter! I.G.
Regarding Easter (which is totally pagan) the Bible no- COMMENT: The articles have been sent -- you
where indicates this is a replacement for Passover. But I should have them by now.
guess this doesn’t matter to you since you believe that the
Bible is not the sole source of truth. You have obviously ***
been deceived by Catholic propaganda. When men rely
solely on dreams or visions to conduct their lives they are I searched the web for information on why people ob-
wide open to the influence of Satan and his minions. While serve birthdays. I believe you are right. But I think you
it is true that some personalities in the Bible received vi- missed one special birthday in the O.T. And I think it is
sions from YEHOVAH God, these visions NEVER con- very key. When you read the first chapter of Job you
tradicted the living Word of YEHOVAH found in the will see that they were celebrating their day. V.4: “And
pages of the Bible. The Bible is always the ultimate yard- his sons went and feasted in their houses, everyone on
stick to determine whether something is true, or not. his day.” I believe that the birthday is the only one that
can be called his day. Just thought you might be inter-
While you say you are an ex-Catholic, it is quite obvious ested in this.
you have not yet shed the baggage of Catholic paganism
and lies. Until you do so you will never arrive at the truth I firmly believe that birthdays are as pagan as xmas,
of YEHOVAH. easter, halloween, etc. You did a very good job on the
article. -- K.
The Berean Voice September-October 2002