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36                                                                    Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               your article and maybe he will now realize that his theory and others with me know plenty more. Either the text
               is based on hot air. I have not received an answer as yet.  could be changed to read what it is supposed to say or
                                                               the text can be left as is but with a note in the margin
               Now this man by the looks of it is a self-righteous man what the correct text should read. I am sure we will find
               who thinks like so many in the CSOG=CSOMAN that he a consensus. I hope you are still with me, all I ask you
               has got all the truth and that people should listen to him is to mull this suggestion over in your mind and I hope
               like to a prophet. One day he put an ad in the Journal or you can see the usefulness of this, yea I even dare say
               Servants’ News forgot which, asking for people to help that YHWH will reckon it to us as righteousness when
               him to re-write the KJV Bible. He needed brethren to help we do bring out His complete Bible, based on the cor-
               him to correct the manuscript. I offered my assistance and rect translation of the original texts without any
               received part of the new manuscript for correction. I no- eisegesis.
               ticed many errors and also errors which could easily be
               corrected, like stating the true names of the Father and the Well, John, I sign off here but I urge you to consider
               Son, but my suggestions fell on deaf ears. I was inclined to this, together you and I and many more will be able to
               chuck it but remembered the Psalm: “who swears to his pull this off easily, with the Spirit of YHWH. If a sin-
               own hurt and does not change” so I finished the job and re- gle individual can accomplish it without bringing any-
               turned the manuscript, asking him at the same time not to thing new then we, the true seekers of truth, will also
               send another one.                               be able to bring this about and YHWH will bless us, be
                                                               certain of that.
               In due course I received a copy of the Bible that had been
               printed and published in the USA but I am afraid there will Please let me hear from you at an early opportunity.
               be few takers since the letters are extremely small and the Your brother truth seeker in Yashua Messhiach.
               whole format is such that it is not conducive to easy read- J.K.P. (Spain)
               ing, even though his great friend Norman Edwards calls it
               “The Readable KJV.” Still, it was a massive undertaking COMMENT: Thank you for your thought-provok-
               and he did it all by himself, indeed with the help of others ing letter. While I certainly realize there is a need for an
               but he was the power behind the whole project.  unadulterated translation of the Bible, I do not feel that
                                                               this is where I should be placing my emphasis. There is
               Now John, do not you think that we could do a lot better, so much doctrinally wrong with the Churches of God
               do you not share my opinion that what he produced can be and Christendom in general, that I strongly feel my
               greatly improved upon? Of course it can, I have often won- thrust must be in correcting these errors wherever I
               dered why there does not exist a Perfect King James Ver- find them. Other people are actively engaged in trans-
               sion, one which has all the features. Just recently I lating the Bible afresh, and one I can recommend is
               acquired a new Bible, the NKJV, but it is nothing special, James D. Tabor and “The Original Bible Project.” He
               shows the same errors as all other Bibles and it has not has almost completed his translation -- which has
               given us the true names of the Father and the Son, neither taken many years -- and it should remove a lot of the
               are all the sayings of Yashua in red, I would prefer blue, errors found in present translations. How far it goes re-
               and so on and so forth. It is just another KJ with a new title, mains to be seen. I will reserve judgment on that until I
               but it does not live up to the expectations I had of it.  have seen the complete text. You can contact Mr. Ta-
                                                               bor at: 408 South Pasadena Ave., Pasadena, CA
               There is so much wrong with all the King James Bibles, 91105, U.S.A.
               and this should be corrected, except for the poetic lan-
               guage and the Thees and Thous etc., there should come               ***
               into existence a perfect Bible which shows up all the errors
               contained in the KJV, all those you have pointed out and I Hi John:

                                                               The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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