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Hope of Israel Mail Bag 33
There is absolutely no indication whatsoever in the Bible Make the HELL a hospitable place by twisting the
that the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah will be a se- word of God, cause it is ur destination. Herbert W.
cret event -- only the TIME of the event is secret. Yeshua Armstrong is waiting for you.
stressed that men do not know the day or the hour of the
second coming. It will be “as it was in the days of Noah” COMMENT: Dear friend, clearly your under-
when people were eating, drinking, and getting married -- standing of the Bible is as bad as your spelling! I don’t
not expecting destruction to descend upon them. They believe we have any common ground to communicate
“knew not UNTIL the flood came, and took them all away, on. The Bible nowhere says the Flood was global in
so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew that it completely covered the earth with the highest
24:36-39). The wicked knew not until the flood came -- mountains submerged. I challenge you to show me
but, obviously, when it arrived they knew it was there! It WHERE in the Bible it reveals the earth (world,
was no secret event. It was observed and experienced by planet) was completely covered by water.
believers and unbelievers alike.
Your magazine subscription has been canceled -- I
*** would hate to see YEHOVAH God’s word relegated to
the trash can.
Hello and Shalom! Will you please add my name to your
mailing list? Also, will you please send me the Septem- Hi John,
ber/October 2000 and November/December 2000 back is-
sues? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for getting back with me. Take your time with
my article. One thing I’ll mention as food for thought:
I am a prisoner, so I don’t have much money. But I do plan the governments of men are what keeps marriage regu-
to tithe to you as soon as I am able. lated generally, with licenses and prohibitions etc. This
is a usurpation of Yah’s kingdom and laws. His laws
Thank you, and may Yehovah bless you richly! regulate marriage in a different manner than this false
government we grew up with. We are literally strug-
Sincerely, gling at every point to re-introduce His people to ALL
of those laws, none of which are abolished. This in-
A.C. cludes the presumed phrase, “If a man have two
wives...” Deuteronomy 21:15.
As far as Timothy Henry, I already answered the same
To John D. Keyser, question by him! It’s on my other computer, but essen-
tially, two things easily answer his question.
Ur magazine is full of Blasphemy. Is anything hard for the
Lord? Is anything impossible for God? Why are you doing (1) If one keeps Saturday or Sunday as Sabbath, the
the Devil’s bidding? High Holy Days interrupt that “7 day pattern” dramati-
cally, SEVERAL TIMES IN THE YEAR. This is of
Ur magazine is FREE. What is ur gain? course because the Holy Days are on a lunar schedule,
while the current commercial week is artificial and
By saying that the Flood is regional, u make God a liar. keeps revolving. A different day in the 6 day work
Please continue my magazine subscription. I will do my week is “interrupted” every year on those feasts.
part by throwing it into the trash. Whereas in the lunar sabbath schedule, only the New
The Berean Voice September-October 2002