Page 31 - BV17
P. 31
Hope of Israel Mail Bag 31
Letters from Our Readers...
The Hope of Israel Mail Bag
Here’s my take on it for now, and if I am totally off the
Dear John,
wall, I’d appreciate your correction. (My occupation
was as a true systems analyst; everything I ever accom-
It has been a long time since V. (my wife) and I have
plished came out of the minds of my co-workers -- I sim-
been so excited to read newsletters, magazines, book-
ply knew how to do it, they didn’t -- which is my way of
lets, published by the many churches of God, offshoots
saying I am easily corrected).
of HWA’s WCG, as the one you’ve been sending us,
since September 2001, The Berean Voice -- we devour
This is my “Rapture” speculation: Scientists have dis-
it, from cover to cover. Thank you!
covered a particle in our blood that is indestructible,
even to atomic blast. In my opinion, everything is fre-
We go back to the 1960s in our reading, to 1969 baptism
quency, there is nothing that isn’t frequency; every cell
for V., and 1979 baptism for me. I’ll not bother you with
in our body has many particles that resonate to frequen-
the details, which for the past few months have also in-
cies -- even prayer is frequency and has been measured
cluded WFD/TPM in our diet of printed and audio mate-
both in the doing and in the results. Yeshua’s voice is
rials. We now are among the many scattered brethren of
frequency (many frequencies). When he shouts “Come
what I call “The Kitchen Table Church of God” (the two
up here” the Firstfruit(s) will respond and take a round
of us, alone at home, we are in our early 70s).
trip to the 3rd heaven, just as he, the first of the
Firstfruit(s), did. Not all saints are Firstfruit(s). We are
In the past 20+ years we’ve known 3,600 WCG brethren
all given Yehovah’s Holy Spirit to grow in knowledge
by face, 2000 by name, and have supped with 600 of
and understanding of His Word. Some are given the
them. So to be alone is somewhat aggravating to me. The
Spirit of Christ (Yeshua), Agape. Only the command “to
command to assemble with your brethren cannot be ac-
love your neighbor as yourself” can be accomplished by
commodated just now, even though all the large splin-
the saints who have Agape. (John, I know you under-
ters have local congregations here in northwest
stand this because of what you have written lately re
Arkansas. I’m concerned about that.
your own WCG history and later association with WFD
and now on your own since 1999). Yeshua was supposed
I’ve downloaded all issues of The Berean Voice from
to teach for seven years but was cut off midway. He still
January 2000, except the Sep-Oct 2000 issue was not
must teach those last three and one-half years. Those
available on either of your web sites. If you have a hard
who are raptured will rule under Yeshua in the millen-
copy, please send it to me, or email me the bv5.pdf file.
nial Kingdom of God. (Many more resurrected saints
Thank you!
will serve in that government). No amount of disciple-
ship in any church of God will teach any of us what we
I’ve also downloaded the first group of Bible Correspon-
need to know to rule even a corporation, let alone a city
dence courses and the test and answer sheet. That is our
or more. At best we develop right attitudes toward oth-
next work.
ers, our brethren, and the folks across the street, our
neighbors, with Agape.
The Rapture issue also aggravates me. Do you have any
material specifically directed to that issue that you
D.B. (Arkansas)
would send me? Thank you!
The Berean Voice September-October 2002