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Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    35

               For me the next important date is the 24th June -- a full Mr. Keyser keep up the good work. Please, please
               moon.                                           don’t change. I have been in the truth for 34 years and
                                                               have seen ministers come and go, I am so afraid that
                                     ***                       you are too good to be true. I pray for you all. God
                                                               bless you all, may the mighty hand of Yahweh always
               Dear Brethren:                                  be with you and bless you and the excellent work you
               I have a son in Vancouver, B.C. Who has lately shown a
               keen interest in prophecy, especially since the Sept. 11th With Christian love,
               incident and thought maybe you could help me.   M.D.C. (South Africa).

               I’m in my nineties, my eye sight is poor, and my writing P.S. May I please have your viewpoint on how the Sab-
               skills have much to be desired. I thought rather than writ- bath should be kept or any articles on keeping the Sab-
               ing numerous letters that I would have you send him the bath day as well as knowing the True and Living God.
               current issue of The Berean Voice which would answer The Second Coming of Yehovah.
               many of his questions regarding our Great Creator’s ways
               and keep him up to date on the world’s condition today.  COMMENT: Thank you for your very encourag-
                                                               ing letter. With YEHOVAH God’s spirit and your
               If he is interested he must reply and would like to sub- prayers I will stay the course and proclaim
               scribe and have his name added to your mailing list. Any YEHOVAH’s truth until the day I die. Let us know if
               other literature you feel would be helpful to a newcomer you received articles on the above subjects.
               would also be appreciated.
               Yours in Yahweh’s service,                      Dear John,
               F.W. (Canada)
                                                               Shalom y saludos de Espana soleada.
               COMMENT: Your son’s name has been added to our
               mailing list.                                   And today it is going to be a sunny day and I should be
                                                               at work outside where there is much to do. But the
                                     ***                       other day I had a brilliant idea which I want to talk to
                                                               you about forthwith.
               Dear Mr. Keyser,
                                                               A few days ago I read your article 12 Proofs That
               Thank you so much for the magazine, I just want to let you Yeshua Did Not Pre-exist again. I have noticed before
               know how grateful I am for all the work you and your team that it always pays to read an article for a second time,
               put into the magazine; also the article on Are You a Com- unless it is trash right from the start like so much of
               fortable Christian was excellent. It is good to get articles what I receive. The article is really great but what good
               that uplift us and encourage us, we are living in such a is it if only a limited number of people will become ac-
               sin-sick world; so it’s good to get articles like that.  quainted with it. For the greater part they will be only
                                                               those who are on your mailing list. Then it struck me
               We don’t want to hear about prophecy all the time, don’t that it should be made widely known and I was re-
               get me wrong we have to know, but us being on our own minded of a brother and friend in Avilla, who perse-
               not fellowshipping with people one does get discouraged veres in his belief that there are two Eternals. I have
               so we do need to hear and read articles of encouragement.  tried my very best to persuade him to reconsider his
                                                               wild idea, yea, I have now even sent him a copy of

              The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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