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Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    39

               will not hold (him) guiltless that brings naught His name.”  tion and truth. Toda Raba for your great zeal in doing
                                                               his ministry.
               If our desire is to do those things that please our Father, let
               us keep this commandment as well as the other nine. We I am your beloved brother, Y. S.. K. C., 26, rejoicing
               should never replace God’s name with a false one. Doing much in Yeshua and magnifying him with merriment
               so would be breaking the Third Commandment -- and one smiles and lifted up praying hands. I stand before you
               will not be held guiltless for breaking it.     with this prayerful appeal for your good understanding
                                                               and gracious helping nature. Once again I am thanking
               [Exodus 3:13-15]:                               our Yeshua to provide me this great opportunity to
                                                               come to your blessed feet with this prayerful appeal.
               13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto He has given many promises unto us, those who are
               the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of very faithful unto him.
               your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to
               me, WHAT IS HIS NAME? What shall I say unto them? I have been working in this far corner and backward
                                                               idol-worshiping region from several years, doing his
               14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he ministry by his grace only. We preach the good news
               said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM of his wonderful salvation to lost souls, to unknown of
               hath sent me unto you.                          this most superstitious idol-worshiping people of this
                                                               most heathen nation of the world.
               15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou
               say unto the children of Israel, Yahweh [YEHOVAH] Brother, please if possible, please encourage with
               God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of study materials, literature. I want to know about truth.
               Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: THIS What does the Bible say. If possible, please let me
               IS MY NAME FOR EVER, and this is my memorial unto know. I am waiting for your kind reply. Brother, if you
               all generations.                                agree with me, I will work here more on behalf of you.

               I may be wrong and you may be right. I am, however, I am nothing, but he is everything.
               pleased that we are studying the Word and pray that our
               hunger for Truth never fades. Actually, on reflection, is Kindly pray for me, for his ministry here. I do pray for
               right and wrong what we are looking for here -- or is what you, for your household and for your all efforts about
               brings life important? The choice was the same in the gar- YAHVAH.
                                                               Shalom be unto you. Shalom be unto sheep and cattle.
               May our Father keep us faithful to His word.    Shalom be unto Israel and all the loving people.
                                                               Thanking you very much sir, your beloved brother in
               His servant and yours,                          Yeshua.
               E.                                              Y.S.K.C. (South India)

                                     ***                       COMMENT: Thank you very much for your let-
                                                               ter. I noticed that in your entire letter you mentioned
               Shalom Brother John D. Keyser.                  YEHOVAH God the Father only once. He is the
                                                               source of the promises you mention, He is the one you
               My heartiest and warmest greetings to you and to your should be “magnifying...with merriment smiles and
               household in the most precious name of our Yeshua the lifted up praying hands,” He is the one who offers sal-
               Messiah. We are very grateful to him for his great salva- vation and He is the source of all truth. One of the huge

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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