Page 44 - BV18
P. 44
44 Hope of Israel Mail Bag
“Our fathers ate the manna in the desert; as is written, ‘He Clearly, Yeshua began as a newborn baby who then
gave them bread from heaven to eat” (John 6:31). experienced his life cycle to become, some thirty-odd
years later, the FIRSTBORN SON of the great God
“You gave them bread from heaven for their hun- YEHOVAH. Later, at the resurrection, there will be
ger...(Nehemiah 9:15). many others since the Messiah is the “firstborn of
many brethren” (Romans 8:29).
Writes Sjordal: “This physical bread is said to ‘come down
from Heaven,’ which means it originated with God. It does This does not mean that Yeshua was not born as a very
not mean that manna was previously literally in Heaven special baby. YEHOVAH God directly impregnated
until it was sent to earth. the woman Mary -- a descendant of David -- with His
begettal agent the holy spirit. This was a one-time
“The bread called manna was an Old Covenant type of the event. Yeshua had YEHOVAH’s holy spirit in him
New Covenant reality, the True Bread of Life, Yahshua from conception -- making him truly unique among
the Messiah. Both are said to come from heaven. men.
‘Moses gave you not that BREAD FROM HEAVEN, but Explains Sjordal: “But did Yahshua descend from
My Father gives you the TRUE BREAD FROM Heaven? In a very real sense, yes He did. His Father in
HEAVEN. For the Bread of God is he which COMES Heaven sent His Holy Spirit to impregnate Mary with
DOWN FROM HEAVEN’ (John 6:32-33).’ the future Anointed One who would be the Savior, the
Lamb of Yahweh. Yahshua came down from Heaven
“Where did manna come from? Where did Jesus come in that He came from the Father through the power of
from? They both came from Heaven! But what does this the Holy Spirit.
“Yahshua is from above in that He always has obeyed
“Manna did not literally come from a pre-existence in Yahweh, spoken for Yahweh, revealed the Father and
Heaven. Yahweh [YEHOVAH] sent it at a special time for acted as His messenger in preaching forth the good
a special purpose. It was a substance that physically oc- news of the Kingdom of Yahweh.”
curred by the power of God.”
Now to say that Yeshua “came down from heaven”is
So, did Yeshua literally come from heaven -- or was his or- to say that he “came down from YEHOVAH” -- or, in
igin in Mary’s womb? short, that he came from YEHOVAH. The New Testa-
ment clearly shows that “heaven” is quite often used
YEHOVAH God is reproducing Himself, and He plans to synonymously with “God.” Notice –
have many sons and daughters -- all of whom BEGIN as
human babies. Now would Yeshua -- who is our firstborn “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Assuredly, I say to
elder brother -- have been any different? Does that make you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of
any sense? Yeshua is called the Son of Man in scripture af- HEAVEN’” (Mat. 19:23).
ter scripture to indicate his human essence. Yeshua the
Messiah was a human being who had to fight all the temp- “And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go
tations and pulls of the flesh just like any other human be- through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter
ing called by YEHOVAH: the kingdom of GOD” (Mat. 19:24).
“For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize Clearly, Kingdom of Heaven = Kingdom of God. See
with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we also Matthew 21:43 and 22:2.
are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15).
The Berean Voice November-December 2002