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P. 43

Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    43

               Most Definitely is Not a Person! are just fantastic -- Most Christians believe Yeshua the Messiah was God
               thanks, so much!                                before he became human since they believe he had
                                                               been in heaven before YEHOVAH God the Father sent
               I feel incredibly blessed in receiving The Berean Voice ar- him down to earth.
               ticles -- as if the hand of God Himself takes mine and leads
               me -- a great sinner -- to the land of promise, His Kingdom. “I came down from heaven...” does not mean that
               It may have come to me late in life but this knowledge of Yeshua was in heaven before his human birth -- but
               the purpose of God thrills me to bits. You certainly help rather that he “came from God” as the heavenly repre-
               me in not just reading over the contents of a verse, this sentative of the Father.
               time, f.i., seeing all anew Romans 8:28-30; it is such a
               marvelous vista of assurance, reminding me of Fanny Notes Gary Sjordal: “The book of John has sixteen ref-
               Crosby’s “Blessed Assurance” hymn. Despite all that, erences to Yahshua [Yeshua] coming down from
               how often a kind of disbelief tries to creep in! Disbelieving heaven, along with many references to Yahshua being
               God -- when one thinks of it -- what a crazy notion; unbe- sent by the Father. None of the other three gospels or
               lievable in a sense! Thank you for reminding me again of the books written by Paul, Peter, James or Jude have
               Romans 8.                                       any reference to this concept.”

               You mentioned 4 articles on p. 41 of the last issue -- I sup- “To think that these scriptures prove Yahshua was a
               pose they are in the back copies I asked for above? If so, pre-existent God (along with the Father) who left
               then no need for me to request them. I thought they might heaven and came to earth is an assumption that needs
               be good to copy and give to friends.            to be verified by a contextual examination of John 6
                                                               and the rest of the New Testament.”
               What a very interesting explanation of Phil. 2:6-7, e.a.
               Totally the opposite to what we were so often taught and In the sixth chapter of John we find that Yeshua him-
               which I always felt to be a strange scripture (as if it was, self said that he came “down from heaven” seven times
               perhaps, mistranslated). I always understood “emptied -- verses 33, 38, 41, 42, 50, 51 and 58. Now does this
               himself” to mean emptying of “self,” e.a. great humility, prove that Yeshua literally came down from heaven, as
               which fits Jesus to a tee.                      these scriptures seem to say? Was Yeshua the Messiah
                                                               the God of the Old Testament -- or the second member
               Luke 10:18 also set things straight for my curiosity on a of a biune godhead -- who left his heavenly throne and
               verse I never could understand. Melchizedek’s “without was transformed into a sperm placed in the womb of
               father, without mother” seems to bring once more to light Mary in order that the Creator could be born as a hu-
               just how little I, and so many like me, know of the Hebrew man?
               language -- the understanding of which would open so
               much more of Biblical understanding. I have so much Or could the phrase “down from heaven” have a com-
               more to write about the articles sent but it will have to wait pletely different non-literal meaning? Could it mean
               for another day.                                that Yeshua came from YEHOVAH God the Father as
                                                               the physical manifestation of the character and essence
               With greetings,                                 of the Father -- but NOT pre-existent?
               W.R.S.d.S. (Australia)
                                                               In Exodus 16:14 we read of manna coming down from
               COMMENT: Thank you for your fine letter. All the heaven -- does this have anything to do with Yeshua
               information you requested is on its way to you. Regarding coming down from heaven? Notice:
               John 6:38, let’s take a look at this much misunderstood

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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