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P. 45

Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    45

               Yeshua was “sent” by YEHOVAH God the Father when The New Testament records nothing about his life
               he “came down from heaven.” Now, does “sent by God” from age 12 to age 30. There is evidence he may have
               mean that one is sent from heaven? Certainly not in the traveled to Britain with his uncle Joseph of Arimathea.
               case of John the Baptist! Notice:               During this time he may have been trained by Druids
                                                               or rabbis -- or by direct revelation from his heavenly
               “I will SEND my messenger...” (Malachi 3:1).    Father.

               “There was a man SENT FROM GOD, whose name was After his training, YEHOVAH God -- the Creator --
               John” (John 1:6).                               then commissioned him to preach the gospel of the
                                                               Kingdom of God -- and to later sacrifice his life as the
               Look at the case of Elijah -- he did not originate in heaven, prophesied Lamb of God. All of this is involved in the
               even though he too was “sent” by YEHOVAH –      “sending” of Yeshua the Messiah from heaven to those
                                                               who would receive him. In John 3:1-2 we read what
               “Unto none of these was Elijah SENT” (Luke 4:26).  the Pharisee Nicodemus said –

               The bottom line is that if someone or something (e.g. “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher COME
               Manna) is sent by YEHOVAH, it DOES NOT mean he or FROM GOD; for no one can do these signs that You
               it had a previous existence in heaven! The apostle Paul do unless God is with him.”
               wrote of Timothy being sent by Yeshua to the Philippians:
                                                               The phraseology “came down from heaven” and that
               “But I trust in the Lord Jesus to SEND Timothy shortly “he was sent by the Father”in no way proves that
               unto you...” (Phil. 2:19).                      Yeshua was formerly a God (God #2) in heaven who
                                                               gave up his divinity and was sent to earth by
               Does this mean that Yeshua (who was in heaven after his YEHOVAH God the Father (God #1) to be born as a
               resurrection) would send Timothy -- who was also in human baby. Rather, he was a most special human be-
               heaven -- to the people of Philippi? Of course not! We ing who was sent “from heaven” -- that is, “from God”
               need to ask: How did the Father (and His Son) work? Did -- to accomplish the all-important work of becoming
               they directly intervene -- or did they work through human our savior and elder brother -- first among many to be
               beings? It is the latter, as the Bible shows again and again. resurrected to eternal life.
               In this verse we find out HOW Timothy was “sent by
               Paul”:                                                             ***

               “Him [Timothy] I hope to SEND presently” (Phil. 2:23).  Please send a magazine to the following person...

               “To be sent” can involve some interaction with other hu- If you have any other literature that you could send this
               man beings, and does not have to mean that the one sent inmate, it would be greatly appreciated. He is in a
               literally comes from heaven or had a preexistence there prison that is seriously lacking in the true word. I just
               apart from being part of YEHOVAH’s Plan.        received my first magazine from you and I am truly
               So HOW was Yeshua “sent”? He grew up learning of his
               Father YEHOVAH in the Old Testament scriptures, and Thank you,
               by the age of 12 he was able to hold his own with the top K.
               religious leaders of his day (Like 2:42-49).

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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