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60                                                 Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?

                     Mrs. White -- you failed again!

                     Now that we have examined a number of Ellen G. White's visions and found them wanting
              and NOT "in harmony with YEHOVAH God's revealed word and commandments," let us take a
              close look at her "visions" or "trances" themselves, and see if they resemble those received by
              TRUE prophets of YEHOVAH God in the Bible.

                                                 A Blow to the Head

                     Jacob Brinkerhoff, a Church of God leader and one time editor of the Bible Advocate, com-
              mented that Mrs. White's visions "were the product of an unhealthy mind and body." There is some-
              thing to that.

                     According to Richard Nickels, in his book A History of the Seventh Day Church of God,
              there is a definite link: "From her childhood, when she was struck in the head by a rock and was in a
              coma for days, until later life, Mrs. White suffered nervous and physical disorders. Later, when her
              health improved, her visions were LESS FREQUENT and not as intense" (1988. Page 13).

                     We find a similar experience in another enigmatic woman -- British born Dorothy Eady,
              later known by the Egyptian name of Omm Sety. In 1907, when she was three years old, Dorothy
              Eady fell down a flight of stairs in the family's flat in the London suburb of Blackheath. She ca-
              reened down the steps, ending up motionless on the floor below. "Rushing down after her, Mrs.
              Eady lifted up her daughter -- her only child -- and saw she was UNCONSCIOUS. The frantic
              mother immediately sent for the doctor, who examined the girl with a stethoscope, held a mirror,
              then a feather up to her mouth, AND PRONOUNCED HER DEAD" (The Search for Omm Sety:
              Reincarnation and Eternal Love, by Jonathan Cott. New York, 1987. Pages 11-12).

                     The doctor left the home to get a death certificate, and upon his return went straight to Doro-
              thy's bedroom. "Instead of finding a corpse, however, [he] saw a fair-haired, chocolate-smeared
              child, sitting up and playing on her bed...Soon after the accident Dorothy began to have
              RECURRING DREAMS in which she saw a huge building with columns, a garden filled with fruits
              and flowers, and tall trees nearby" (The Search for Omm Sety).

                     One day the following year -- when Dorothy was four -- her parents and one of her mother's
              sisters took her to the British Museum, where a frightening occurrence took place:

                     Upon entering the Egyptian galleries...Dorothy suddenly let go of her parents' hands and
                     went running crazily through the rooms, kissing the feet of all the statues that she could
                     reach...the little girl walked right up to a mummy in a glass case, sat down on the floor
                     beside it, and refused to budge...When they returned a half hour later to the mummy room
                     and called out to Dorothy that it was time to go, she just remained where she was,
                     IMMOBILE AND OBLIVIOUS TO THEIR VOICES...Mrs. Eady bent down to pick her
                     up. As she did so, the girl grabbed the side of the glass case and, IN AN
                     announced: "Leave me...these are my people!" Mrs. Eady was so surprised and horrified

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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