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Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?                                                     61

                     that she immediately dropped the child, who had to be removed from the museum kicking
                     and screaming...(The Search for Omm Sety: Reincarnation and Eternal Love, by Jona-
                     than Cott. Pages 12-13).

                     After this experience, Dorothy's parents undoubtedly realized that their daughter's accident
              had affected her in some unknown and strange way.

                     Let's look at another case -- that of little Doris Fisher. Her story is to be found in the tran-
              scripts of her conversations with Dr. Walter F. Prince, published in Volumes 9 and 10 of the Pro-
              ceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research in 1915: "Doris' story began when she
              was a three-year old girl and was torn out of her mother's arms by her drunken father and THROWN
              FIERCELY TO THE FLOOR. From that time on Doris began to have a 'multiple personality.' Her
              personalities were AT ODDS with each other; sometimes she was quiet and withdrawn, then sud-
              denly she became outgoing, energetic, even mischievous..."

                     When her psychiatrist, Dr. Prince, died, she retreated into TOTAL LONELINESS AND
              DESPAIR. She was plagued by VISIONS of hostile spirits and HORRIBLE NIGHTMARES until
              she died insane in a sanitarium in 1935.

                     There is a definite similarity between these three people -- Ellen G. White was hit in the face
              with a rock and started having "visions"; Dorothy Eady (Omm Sety) fell down the stairs and proba-
              bly hit her head, shortly thereafter having "strange dreams" and nightmares; and Doris Fisher was
              thrown to the floor with multiple personalities appearing almost immediately.

                                                The Sheikhs of Egypt

                     What does this indicate?

                     At the age of 14 Dorothy Eady tried to get to the root cause of her recurring dreams and
              nightmares, and consulted with SPIRITUALISTS about her perplexing feelings. The spiritualists
              suggested that at the moment of her "death," when she fell down the stairs, an ancient SPIRIT possi-
              bly ENTERED HER BODY AND POSSESSED HER. There are traditions of this in Egypt, which
              Jonathan Cott mentions in The Search for Omm Sety:

                     From the point of view of the still existing traditional life of the Egyptian peasants and
                     villagers, there was NOTHING UNUSUAL about coming across people who were sup-
                     posed to be "possessed" by sheikhs who were said to live underneath the earth. "For in-
                     stance," W.S. Blackman writes in 'The Fellahin of Upper Egypt,' "I was told that a woman
                     coming after dark down the stairs which lead from the roof of a house to the ground floor,
                     and carrying no light with her, may become frightened AND FALL, IN WHICH CASE A
                     SHEIKH WILL COME INTO HER AT ONCE." (Page 219.)

                     Can we prove that these women -- including Ellen G. White -- experienced similar phenom-
              enon in their lives and were, therefore, POSSESSED BY DEMONS? I believe we can. Let's start
              with Mrs. White.

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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