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66 Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?
SEKHEM [SPIRITUAL POWER]. A certain portion of my PHYSICAL FORCE was also
involved in the matter. You see, after each meeting in which His Majesty presents himself in
the solidified form however long or short our encounter I ALWAYS FEEL SOME SORT
OF PHYSICAL FATIGUE after he leaves me. Sometimes, when I'm tired or slightly
indisposed or ill, I FEEL EXHAUSTED OR EXTREMELY RUN DOWN after His Maj-
esty goes away. -- The Search for Omm Sety: Reincarnation and Eternal Love. Pgs.
In the year 1892, a certain Mr. Tout took part, with some neighbors, in a series of
SPIRITUALISTIC SEANCES. He kept a record of each encounter, which we will draw from.
On one occasion Mr. Tout, having under the influence of music given various imperson-
ations, was finally oppressed by a feeling of coldness and loneliness. His discomfiture and misery
were great; and he was only kept from FALLING TO THE FLOOR by some of the other people at
the seance.
"I began to be distressed in my lungs, and should have fallen if they had not held me by the
hands and let me back gently upon the floor. As my head sank back upon the carpet I experienced
dreadful distress in my lungs and could not breathe. I made signs to them to put something under my
head. They immediately put the sofa cushions under me, but this was not sufficient -- I was not
raised enough yet to breathe easily -- and they then added a pillow. I have the most distinct recollec-
tion of a sigh of relief I now gave as I SANK BACK LIKE A SICK, WEAK PERSON UPON THE
COOL PILLOW." (The Mind Possessed, pgs 37-38.)
Did Ellen G. White have similar experiences? What do you think?
During these trances, which came five or ten times a year and lasted from a few minutes
to several hours, Ellen frequently described the colorful scenes she was seeing. One eye-
witness recalled that she often uttered words singly, and sometimes sentences which ex-
pressed to those about her the nature of the view she was having, either of heaven or of
earth...When the vision was ended, and she lost sight of the heavenly light, as it were,
coming back to earth once more, she would exclaim with a LONG DRAWN SIGH, as
she took her first natural breath, "Dark.
CHAIR...(Prophetess of Health: A Study of Ellen G. White. Pgs. 1819.)
It must be obvious by now which spirit Ellen G. White was subservient to!
The 18-Pound Bible!
We have learned that at the end of a vision Mrs. White was almost devoid of strength; and
similarly MEDIUMS suffered from the same exhaustion at the conclusion of a seance. Now, what
about during her visions? Did she receive EXTRA OR SUPER-STRENGTH?
The Berean Voice November-December 2002