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68                                                 Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?

              Jesus Christ maketh thee whole,' and FELL BACK prostrated by the power of God.” (Prophetess of
              Health, p.31-32.)

                     We have to be very careful here!

                     Several cases in the Bible show that when a person is under DEMONIC INFLUENCE, he
              always "FALLS AWAY BACKWARD." However, when confronted by the influence of
              YEHOVAH God, or in the presence of an ANGELIC MESSENGER, that person will fall forward!.

                     Supporters of Mrs. White point to this incident to prove her heaven-sent powers -- but let's
              not jump to conclusions!

                     Notice something in Matthew 12:27. Here Yeshua tells us that the Pharisees could actually
              cast out demons through a ritualistic type of exorcism -- much like Roman Catholic priests have
              been known to do. Yeshua said to them, in answer to an accusation, "And if I drive out demons by
              Beelzebub, by whom do your people drive them out?" "You belong to your father, the devil, and
              you want to carry out your father's desire" he told the Pharisees earlier. (John 8:44.)

                     This shows that SATAN CAN CAST OUT SATAN! Remember, Satan will stop short of
              nothing to ensnare and trap those without discernment! "Satan can cast out Satan through his false
              ministers to make them look like ministers of Christ; but in actual fact deceive people by a clever
              'brer rabbit' trick. Let us be aware of Satan's clever devices (II Cor.2:11). Remember, the Apostle
              Paul warned us that Satan's ministers would appear as 'MINISTERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS' (II
              COR.11:15)." (Ultimate Source of All Supernatural Phenomena, by Ronald R. Wlodyga. p.296.)

                     The following day, while neighbors inquired about funeral arrangements, Ellen rode 38
              miles through a storm to the town of Topsham.

                     During the winter of 1853 Ellen suffered miserably from a variety of complaints that in-
              cluded heart problems, inability to breathe while lying down, recurrent fainting spells (as much as
              twice a day), and a cancer-like inflammation on her left eyelid.

                     The following winter she fainted and was unconscious for a day and a half. A week later an
              apparent stroke left her left side paralyzed her head cold and numb and her speech impaired.

                     In the latter years of her life -- especially during her first year in Australia -- she suffered tre-
              mendously from frequent bouts of rheumatism. The attack she had in Australia lasted for about
              eleven months, and left her wondering why she had ever moved to this land.

                     These recurrent illnesses are another PROOF of her SATANIC INSPIRATION, and show
              graphically the result of being "cast into a sickbed" (Rev.2:22).

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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