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P. 71
Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium? 71
There are a number of things in this chapter that need to be addressed. Firstly, notice that
Daniel -- prior to his vision had been FASTING FOR THREE FULL WEEKS (Dan.10:2; 10:12).
So, needless to say, Daniel was already in a weakened state.
Secondly, in verse 8, he states: "When I saw this FEARFUL VISION my strength left me;
and I grew pale and weak WITH FRIGHT." Why did Daniel loose what little strength he had after
fasting? Because of FEAR -- it was a FEARFUL VISION he was seeing. Have you ever been so
frightened you could hardly move? That's not at all uncommon! Fear was NOT MENTIONED as
being part of any of the visions Ellen G. White, Dorothy Eady, or the others experienced. They al-
ways saw "guides" or "familiar spirits"; whereas Daniel was confronted with a powerful angelic
messenger! I would probably be scared strengthless myself!
Thirdly, Daniel was also scared "speechless": "All this time I was looking down, UNABLE
TO SPEAK a word...'Sir, I am TERRIFIED by your appearance and HAVE NO STRENGTH. How
can such a person as I even talk to you? For my
BREATHE."' His fear was SO GREAT that he could-
n't speak and could hardly breathe.
Do you see the differences? There is no indi-
cation that the phenomena associated with Mrs.
White's visions were the result of fear.
Fourthly, verse 9 of Daniel 10 relates that
Daniel "fell to the ground face downward in a deep
faint." Why? Because of FEAR once again. "But a
hand touched me and lifted me, still trembling, to my
hands and knees...Then he [the messenger] said,
'Don't be FRIGHTENED, Daniel...'"
Satan even COUNTERFEITS the resurgence
of strength: "'God loves you very much,' he [the
messenger] said; 'don't BE AFRAID! CALM
YOURSELF; BE STRONG [in the sense of "coura-
geous"] yes, STRONG!' Suddenly, as he spoke these
words, I FELT STRONGER and said to him, 'Now Ellen G. White in 1899
you can go ahead and speak, sir, for you HAVE
Please note that he was "strengthened," NOT given super-strength! There is a difference!
Daniel was so weak from fasting and from fear that the angelic messenger, in the vision, had to
strengthen him before proceeding with the prophecies.
Fifthly, consider why Daniel had been fasting for three weeks prior to the vision. He was
fasting and praying because he was SEEKING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING FROM
YEHOVAH GOD! Notice verse 12: "Then he said, 'Don't be frightened, Daniel, for YOUR
The Berean Voice November-December 2002