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Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?                                                     69

                                            Satan Will Not Let Go Easily

                     Early in her ministry, Ellen G. White even doubted the source of her own visions. She asked
              herself if they were possibly the effect of mesmerism or, worse yet, a SATANIC DELUSION.

                     Ronald Numbers once again relates the story:

                     She was somewhat comforted by her discovery that the visions continued even when she
                     retreated to a secluded spot away from any human influence. But the doubts continued to
                     haunt her. One morning as she knelt for family prayers, she felt a vision coming on. FOR
                     was immediately STRUCK DUMB. As divine [?] punishment for questioning, she was
                     unable to utter a word for twenty-four hours and had to communicate by means of a pencil
                     and slate...The next day her speech returned, and NEVER AGAIN did Ellen doubt the
                     source of her visions. -- Prophetess of Health, p.23.

                     If she had continued to doubt, her life could have been in jeopardy!

                     Ralph Gasson, as he was attempting to leave the clutches of spiritualism and mediumship,
              had a similar experience that almost led to his death!

                     Just after...[a]...conversation with the pastor, I attended what turned out to be my last se-
                     ance, of which I was the ACTING MEDIUM, and during this event the controlling spirits
                     ATTEMPTED TO TAKE MY LIFE. I could not understand this at the time, but it has be-
                     come evident since that THEY KNEW I WAS ON MY WAY OUT OF THEIR
                     CONTROL and into a life controlled only by Christ...After receiving the baptism of the
                     Holy Spirit, openings arose to testify in various assemblies and it was then that I came to
                     realize the terrible strength of the Enemy of our souls. Evidently HE HAD NO
                     INTENTION OF LETTING GO HIS HOLD UPON ME as easily as I had thought. Each
                     time I testified, ATTACKS CAME IN SOME WAY OR ANOTHER. Beforehand, dizzy
                     spells made me so weak that I had to clutch something to remain standing up, let alone
                     speak. After I had testified and had returned home, SLEEPY SPELLS made me almost
                     unconscious and my once FAMILIAR SPIRITS attempted to get me into a deep trance
                     again, against my will -- a thing they did not reckon to do, normally speaking. Several
                     times they succeeded in using my own hands to attempt to strangle me. It was only by my
                     standing upon the promises of God-- defying Satan to do his worst -- and by pleading the
                     power of the Blood of Christ and by much intercessory prayer being given by the saints,
                     that these evil spirits were eventually overcome.-- The Challenging Counterfeit, pages

                     The Bible testifies to this behavior of the demons when they perceive their desires to pos-
              sess and control are being challenged: "When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and
              knelt before him. 'Lord have mercy on my son,' he said. 'He is an epileptic and is suffering greatly.
              He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal
              him.'...Jesus rebuked the DEMON, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed from that mo-
              ment." (Mat.17:14-16,18.)

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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