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Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium? 67
Eyewitness reports reveal that during a vision she would "...[sink] to the floor in a swoon.
After a short time in this deathlike state, NEW POWER flowed through her body, and she rose to
her feet. On occasion she POSSESSED EXTRAORDINARY STRENGTH, once reportedly hold-
ing an EIGHTEEN-POUND Teale Bible in her outstretched hand for ONE-HALF HOUR."
(Prophetess of Health, p.18.)
Ronald L. Numbers notes that "Although she was able to move about [during a vision] with
complete freedom, not even the STRONGEST MEN could forcibly budge her limbs."
It has also been noted that the "Manifestation of SUPER STRENGTH that would ordinarily
be BEYOND A PERSON'S POWER is sometimes another POSSESSION SYMPTOM." (The Ul-
timate Source of All Supernatural Phenomena, by Ronald R. Wlodyga. P.292.)
The account in Mark 5 of the man who lived among the tombs backs this up: "When Jesus
got out of the boat, a man with an EVIL SPIRIT came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived
in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been
chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. NO ONE WAS
This further supports the fact that Ellen G. White was under the influence of DEMONS dur-
ing her visions or trances.
Cast into a Sickbed
Jay Van Booth points out in his book Spiritual Exorcism that anyone who has SUICIDAL
tendencies and gloomy moods, affairs, jealousy, infatuations, hate, and even a person who is acci-
dent-prone may be possessed or influenced. A person who has a CONSTANT FLOW of changing
physical and emotional illnesses, who has persecution complexes, physical illnesses WITHOUT
APPARENT CAUSES all hint at POSSESSION. Booth noted that Arthritis and Epilepsy are prob-
lems that can typically be induced.
Ellen G. White's entire life was a CONSTANT onslaught of physical afflictions and mental
disorders. She began her public ministry in 1844 with shattered nerves and broken body; "and to all
appearances had but a short time to live."
Ronald L. Numbers mentions that "Her lungs were racked with consumption, her throat so
sore she could barely speak above a whisper. On her extended travels through New England she
mind on one occasion wandered aimlessly for two weeks."
Shortly after her marriage to James White in 1846, she became so VIOLENTLY ILL for
three weeks that "every breath came with a groan." While she lay ill in her bed, friends gathered
around her to pray for divine healing. As one young man, Henry Nichols, pleaded with God on her
behalf, a supernatural power seemed to POSSESS HIM. Ellen described what occurred next: "He
rose from his knees, came across the room, and laid his hands upon my head, saying, 'Sister Ellen,
The Berean Voice November-December 2002