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70                                                 Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?

                                              A Comparison of Visions

                     An early witness to Ellen G. White's visions, J.N. Loughborough, likened her experiences to
              that of the prophet Daniel, and attempted to point out similarities in their behavior while in a trance:

                     Her condition as to BREATHING, LOSS OF STRENGTH, and BEING MADE
                     STRONG as the angel of god touches her, all agree perfectly with the description given
                     by the prophet Daniel of his own experience in vision when he says: "Therefore I was left
                     alone, and saw this great VISION, and there REMAINED NO STRENGTH IN ME: for
                     my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I RETAINED NO STRENGTH."
                     "For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? for as for me,straightway
                     there remained NO STRENGTH IN ME, NEITHER IS THERE BREATH left in me. Then
                     there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he STRENGTH-
                     ENED ME, and said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee; be strong, yea, be
                     strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I WAS STRENGTHENED, and said, Let my
                     Lord speak; for thou hast STRENGTHENED ME." -- The Great Second Advent Move-
                     ment, p.204.

                     The scripture above is found in Daniel 10.

                     To use these scriptures to validate Ellen G. White's state during a vision is really stretching
              the credulity of the serious Bible student, and is certainly reading into scripture what IS NOT

                     Let's take Daniel 10, in modern English, and determine what it really says:

                     In the third year of the reign of Cyrus, king of Persia, Daniel had another VISION...When
                     this vision came to me (Daniel related later) I had been in mourning for THREE FULL
                     WEEKS, All that time I tasted NEITHER WINE NOR MEAT; and of course I WENT
                     WITHOUT DESSERTS...When I saw this FEARFUL VISION [heavenly messenger]
                     he spoke to me, and I FELL TO THE GROUND FACE DOWNWARD IN A DEEP
                     FAINT...Then he [the messenger] said, "Don't be FRIGHTENED, Daniel, for your request
                     has been heard in heaven and was answered the very first day YOU BEGAN TO FAST be-
                     fore the Lord and pray for understanding; that very day I was sent here to meet
                     you...All this time I was looking down, UNABLE TO SPEAK A WORD. Then someone
                     -- he looked like a man -- touched my life and I could talk again; and I said to the messenger
                     from heaven, "Sir, I am terrified by your appearance AND HAVE NO STRENGTH. How
                     can such a person as I even talk to you? FOR MY STRENGTH IS GONE AND I CAN
                     HARDLY BREATHE." Then the one who seemed to be a man touched me again, and I
                     FELT MY STRENGTH RETURNING. "God loves you very much," he said; "Don’t be
                     afraid! Calm yourself; be strong yes, strong!" Suddenly, as he spoke these words, I felt
                     STRONGER and said to him, "Now you can go ahead and speak, sir, for you have
                     STRENGTHENED me." -- Daniel 10.

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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