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The Virgin Birth and the Messiah 11
"saved" or "damned", etc. Most Chris tians will only ac cept "all" of the birth story and re fuse to con -
sider that, per haps, it may not be to tally ac cu rate. Most of it may be true, but the "vir gin" as pect is
def i nitely false and is most cer tainly NOT sup ported by the Tanakh (Old Tes ta ment) -- a fact we
will prove in this ar ti cle.
We re al ize most will an grily con demn us and re ject this ar ti cle, as well as most other facts
we pres ent, with out even study ing or look ing at the ev i dence shown. So be it. The ma jor ity love
not the truth and pre fer to be lieve the lie (2 Thes. 2:10,11).
10 He will en able him to de ceive, in all kinds of wicked ways, those who are headed for de -
struc tion be cause they would not re ceive the love of the truth that could have saved them. 11
This is why God is caus ing them to go astray, so that they will be lieve the Lie (2
Thessalonians 2:10,11 Jew ish New Tes ta ment).
Most tra di tional Chris tians and Messianics flee those truths they wish not to ac cept and will
usu ally not even de vote time to study them. We are warned that such wide spread de vo tion to the
Beast re li gious sys tem is ex actly what will be found by Yeshua and the Fa ther when they re turn to
fi nally de stroy the false teach ers, To rah vi o la tors, and all oth ers that strug gle to per pet u ate the
age-old lies of the mys tery Bab y lon re li gion.
We in vite you to read on if you are sin cerely search ing for truth, be cause what we will prove
is ba sic to whether or not you wor ship the TRUE Mes siah that was prom ised through the proph ets
of the He brew Scrip tures -- the Old Tes ta ment -- or the false Mes siah of the antichrist pro mot ing
great har lot.
What we will prove is that IF Yeshua was born of a "vir gin" mother then he is NOT the Mes -
siah of Scrip ture. Note that we said Mes siah "of Scrip ture". We will show that the "Christ" of tra di -
tional Chris tian ity and coun ter feit Messianism is ac tu ally de rived from pa gan mys tery sun-god
re li gions from which most tra di tional Chris tian teach ings orig i nate.
The fol low ing is sues con sti tute our ar gu ment that the vir gin birth is a fraud u lent ma nip u la -
tion of New Tes ta ment writ ings:
1. The proph ecy cited (Isa iah 7:14) to sup port the "vir gin birth" is mis in ter preted by main stream
Chris tian and Mes si anic apol o gists as they shred the con text to "prove" their point. The con text of
Isa iah's proph ecy pre vents it from be ing di vorced from the time-frame in which it was given.
We will ad dress the ar gu ments re gard ing the proper trans la tion of the word of ten ren dered
as "vir gin" in Isa iah 7:14.
We will also ad dress the com mon use of the Sep tu a gint Greek trans la tion by those pro mot -
ing the Babylonish mys tery re li gion "vir gin birth".
2. The be lief among main stream Chris tians and coun ter feit Messianics that the New Tes ta ment
writ ings are "per fectly" ac cu rate will be dis cussed. The in cor rect be lief that the New Tes ta ment is
"in fal li ble" is a pri mary rea son why so many ac cept the vir gin birth sce nario.
The Berean Voice