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P. 14
14 The Virgin Birth and the Messiah
There is no better ex am ple of the need to test what is taught from the New Tes ta ment by ver -
i fy ing it against the ul ti mate truths in the Old Tes ta ment than the is sue of the vir gin birth. Ul ti -
mately, as we will show, the is sue be comes one of glar ing con tra dic tion be tween the Old Tes ta ment
and the al leged birth ac counts in the New Tes ta ment.
Sadly, vir tu ally all tra di tional Chris tians, and coun ter feit Messianics, do the ex act op po site
of what the no ble Bereans did. Most re verse the test by el e vat ing the New Tes ta ment as the ul ti mate
au thor ity, de spite the fact the Ap os tolic writ ings (New Tes ta ment) teach against it. When the
TRUE test -- the same test those "more no ble" uti lize -- is ap plied, the vir gin birth is proven to be a
fab ri ca tion by those seek ing to pro lif er ate the an cient and con tin u ing mys tery Bab y lon sun-god
false re li gion that has al ways stood against the He braic truths.
Now to the study.
Con trary to what most main stream Chris tians and coun ter feit Messianics think, if it was
some how proven to them that Yeshua was ac tu ally not born of a vir gin but was the lit eral son of Jo -
seph, it would not neg a tively af fect Yeshua's pro phetic hold on his be ing the Mes siah at all! How -
ever, be cause of their in cor rect un der stand ing of what the "Mes siah" is, it prob a bly would
un nec es sar ily dam age their faith.
ONLY if Jo seph was clearly Yeshua's fa ther would Yeshua meet the pri mary ne ces sity of
lit er ally be ing of the seed of Da vid -- a CRUCIAL fact that the vir gin birth de stroys! So, if Jo seph is
proven to be his fa ther, such news would pos i tively im pact Yeshua's pro phetic hold to be ing the
Mes siah. Such news would also not neg a tively af fect his be ing the SCRIPTURAL "Son of God".
The Proph ecy of Isa iah
A tra di tional Chris tian mis un der stand ing of Scrip ture is shown by the com mon be lief that
the vir gin birth is an es sen tial part of Yeshua's Mes si anic re quire ments. Pro phetically speak ing, as
proof of his Messiahship, the claim that he was born of a "vir gin" is in deed an is sue, but in a way
most Chris tians and Christianized Messianics fail to grasp! There is ab so lutely NOTHING in the
He brew Scrip tures that REQUIRES the Mes siah to be born to a vir gin. The pas sage many
messianicly ap ply to this claim (Isa iah 7:14) does NOT nec es sar ily re fer to a "vir gin" woman, de -
spite the de ceit ful claims by preach ers and min is ters. Fur ther more, a fact those pro mot ing the vir -
gin birth hate to have at ten tion fo cused upon, is that when the con text of Isa iah 7:14 is con sid ered,
the verse is eas ily proven to NOT even be a Mes si anic pas sage!
In or der for Isa iah 7:14 to be Mes si anic, it must be com pletely sep a rated from ALL the sur -
round ing pas sages. How ever, as with many other pas sages of Scrip ture, tra di tional Chris tians and
coun ter feit Messianics show no hes i ta tion to shred the con text as a means to "prove" their false
teach ings -- es pe cially their pro mo tion of a "God in the flesh" Mes siah!
Typically, the "vir gin birth" de bate fo cuses on the He brew word al mah, which is found in
Isa iah 7:14 and trans lated as "vir gin" in some Bi ble trans la tions. The New Re vised Stan dard Ver -
sion more ac cu rately trans lates it as "young woman", and the New Amer i can Stan dard Ver sion has
an al ter nate ren der ing note, which shows "maiden" as the trans la tion. The pri mary tac tic used by
The Berean Voice