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12 The Virgin Birth and the Messiah
3. We will dis cuss the ab so lute ne ces sity for the Mes siah to be a LITERAL de scen dant of King Da -
vid through his hu man fa ther and how this fact of Scrip ture is dis carded by main stream Chris -
tian/Mes si anic apol o gists as they pro mote a false Mes siah (antichrist) -- a REPLACEMENT
Mes siah that usurps and re places the TRUE He braic Mes siah of Scrip ture.
4. Finally, we will re veal a rarely dis cussed ar gu ment; an ar gu ment that is dev as tat ing to what ever
is left of the vir gin birth ar gu ment once the other is sues have been cov ered. This may be the first ex -
po sure you've ever had to this ar gu ment since we've never seen it dis cussed else where.
The sim ple fact is that the "vir gin birth" is NEVER even men tioned in the New Tes ta ment
writ ings ex cept for the al leged birth ac counts in a hand ful of pas sages in Mat thew's and Luke's gos -
pels. This un de ni able fact pro vides strong ev i dence that the "vir gin birth" never hap pened. As part
of this point is the clear and ir re fut able fact that ac cep tance of the vir gin birth is NOWHERE stated
as a nec es sary be lief within the pages of the New Tes ta ment writ ings!
Now this begs the ques tion -- if the New Tes ta ment writ ings NEVER state it is nec es sary to
ac cept the vir gin birth, why do tra di tional Chris tians and Christianized Messianics teach one
MUST ac cept it? Ex actly what are they re ally pro mot ing since they pres ent de mands re gard ing
what one must be lieve that are no where found in the Bib li cal writ ings? The de mand that one MUST
ac cept that the Mes siah is "God in the flesh" is also NOWHERE found in ANY ex am ples of con ver -
sion re corded in the Ap os tolic writ ings (New Tes ta ment).
Just so no mis un der stand ing will oc cur, al low us to de fine what we mean when we say "vir -
gin birth". In this ar ti cle "vir gin birth" is de fined as be com ing preg nant -- con ceiv ing a child --
with out the nor mal sex ual un ion be tween man and woman. It is the act of con ceiv ing with out los ing
one's vir gin ity. We de fine a "vir gin birth" as hu man con cep tion with out the nor mal fer til iza tion of
the fe male egg with the male sperm -- male sperm which is de pos ited by and/or orig i nates from a
nor mal hu man male. In that light, our use of the term "vir gin" is to de note the one to whom the vir -
gin birth, as just de fined, ap plies. It is our firm con vic tion -- a con vic tion fully sup ported from the
TRUE Holy Scrip tures -- that Mary, the mother of Yeshua, did NOT con ceive as a vir gin, in the
sense of not hav ing re la tions with Jo seph. We will spec ify when and where our use of the term "vir -
gin" dif fers from the def i ni tion just men tioned.
As a side note: It is also the con vic tion of many lead ers within Chris tian ity that Mary was
not a vir gin. There are many other lead ers that ac tu ally re al ize the vir gin birth is not sup ported from
Scrip ture and that also re al ize the New Tes ta ment ac counts are likely fraud u lent. How ever, they
never ex press this "on the re cord". In stead, they ad mit their true be lief "off the re cord". We con -
sider it in sin cere and de cep tive for them to con tinue to pro mote what they ac tu ally do not even be -
lieve. For them -- and for many oth ers -- peer pres sure, pride, and the fear of los ing their prof it able
po si tions take pre ce dence over serv ing YEHOVAH God with a whole and TRUE heart. By teach -
ing what they do not even them selves be lieve, they prove them selves to be prac tic ing will ful de cep -
tion and prove that TRUTH (and thus serv ing YEHOVAH God) is NOT their high est pri or ity.
Let us also clar ify that we DO con sider Yeshua (falsely called by the name "Je sus") to be the
prom ised Mes siah. Most tra di tional Chris tians and coun ter feit Messianics are so con fused about
what the Scrip ture says about the Mes siah that they con sider many doc trines, such as the "vir gin
The Berean Voice