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30 The Virgin Birth and the Messiah
gan re li gions from which the Constantinian re li gion of Chris tian ity de rived many of its doc trines.
These same pa gan re li gions ALL had godly pro cre ation as a ma jor theme; thus, Constantinian
Chris tian ity and coun ter feit Messianism, which is ac tu ally re pack aged Constantinian Chris tian ity,
ex alts the al leged godly pro cre ation in the birth of Mes siah -- even though it is ir rel e vant to Mes si -
anic proph ecy! The ONLY "de mand" im posed upon Yeshua be ing a LITERAL "son" of
YEHOVAH God is the de mand cre ated from the pa gan or i gins of the ma jor ity of Chris tian
the ol ogy -- the same or i gins from which the doc trine of the Trin ity arose!
The virgin birth was probably copied from other pagan religions.
It is a mat ter of his tor i cal fact that there were MANY pa gan, mys tery re li gions that flour -
ished dur ing the time the "church fa thers" can on ized their "New" Tes ta ment "scrip ture". Mith ra ism
was but one of those re li gions. Of course, many of these were based in wor ship of a sun god. Guess
where the church gets the idea for the halo or sun that sur rounds the head of "Je sus" and/or Mary in
many art ists ren der ings?
The pa gan foun da tion of MANY as pects of Chris tian ity is ob vi ous; how ever, most
Chris tians pre fer to ig nore it. Truth is too dif fi cult or em bar rass ing for most Chris tians and
coun ter feit Messianics to ac cept.
History records that:
* Buddha was born of the virgin Maya after the Holy Ghost descended upon her.
* The Egyp tian God Horus was born of the vir gin Isis; as an in fant, he was vis ited by three
* In Phrygia, Attis was born of the virgin Nama.
* A Roman savior Quirrnus was born of a virgin.
* In Tibet, Indra was born of a virgin. He ascended into heaven after death.
* The Greek de ity Adonis was born of the vir gin Myrrha, many cen tu ries be fore the birth of
Yeshua. He was born at Beth le hem, in the same sa cred cave that Chris tians later claimed as
the birth place of "Je sus".
* In Per sia, the god Mithra was born of a vir gin on DECEMBER 25. An al ter nate myth is
that he emerged from a rock.
* Also in Persia, Zoroaster was also born of a virgin.
* In India, the god Krishna was born of the virgin Devaki.
* Vir gin births were claimed for many Egyp tian pha raohs, Greek em per ors and for Al ex an -
der the Great of Greece.
The Berean Voice