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Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                   33

                  Letters from Our Readers...

                  The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                 Sha lom,
                 I’m so happy to have found your site. Thank you for the I have just dis cov ered your site by typ ing in the ti tle of
                 truth.                                         my book into Alta Vista. Un for tu nately MY site does -
                                                                n’t yet show up. You will prob a bly find my book of in -
                 I stopped at tend ing a “Mes si anic” syn a gogue over a year ter est.  It is ti tled  Syn chro nized  Chro nol ogy:
                 ago be cause of the Two House teach ing and the “Rabbi” Re thinking Mid dle East Chro nol ogy. You can see a
                 say ing  that “Chris tians” are ba si cally  not saved be cause chap ter  sum mary  at  my  web  site,
                 they do not have the de sire  for the To rah.  Any how,  be - The book is in
                 cause I asked ques tions (I’m a Berean) I was never fully com plete agree ment with your 18th dy nasty sum mary.
                 ac cepted and have been lit er ally alone for quite some time.  The book has ac tu ally been ac cepted for re view by the
                 This time of year can be dif fi cult, but I re fuse to go back to Bul le tin of the Near East Ar chae o log i cal So ci ety and
                 the pa gan world.                              Ar chae ol ogy mag a zine. So there is hope for our side!

                 What is your opin ion of the Two House Teaching? I see Sincerely,
                 some truth there, but I’m still pray ing about it. I live in R. H.
                 Col o rado Springs, com pany Do you know any one in this
                 area that ad heres to your teach ing? I re ally like what I have   ***
                 read on your site. I am starv ing for fel low ship, but re ally
                 can’t han dle the “Chris tian” church any more. I ache in side  Hi John,
                 to learn Ju da ism. I have strongly con sid ered  at tend ing  a
                 Jew ish Syn a gogue. I just keep pray ing about all this.  Thanks for the re ply about more BVs. The folks in our
                                                                group re ally en joy your ma te rial -- thanks!
                 Thank you for your time and website. I would value your
                 opin ion of the Two House teach ing and any in for ma tion A Whangarei Kiwi in Escondido! They pop up ev ery -
                 you may have re gard ing the “church/called out ones” as where! For a flight less bird they sure get around!
                 Is rael.
                                                                I agree with your com ments  on the Neo-Gulf War,
                 Be Blessed,                                                                         how ever, even though it is an all Is ra el ite af fair I am
                 R                                                                                           not sure they have gone in for the right rea sons -- it is
                 (Colorado)                                     not that I even like Saddam! You are cor rect about the
                                                                de moc racy  thing, but un for tu nately  West ern  pol i ti -
                 COMMENT: We are pres ently re search ing into this topic  cians can’t quite see that.
                 for a fu ture edi tion of The Berean Voice mag a zine.  We
                 would n’t rec om mend get ting in volved with Ju da ism and Our es teemed leader Helen Clark -- a Third Wave pol i -
                 at tend ing  a syn a gogue  since Ju da ism  is just as far from ti cian -- is out of step with the oth ers, but for what rea -
                 YEHOVAH’s truth as is Is lam  and mod ern  so-called sons -- she says she would have sup ported the war if
                 Chris tian ity.                                the UN sanc tioned it -- maybe that is her real rea son,
                                                                but when it co mes to pol i ti cians -- my Scot tish sus pi -

                The Berean Voice
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