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P. 38
38 Hope of Israel Mail Bag
attempt may be. steps of go ing into an other sov er eign coun try and
mass-kill their in no cent ci vil ian women and chil dren,
Finally I think God prob a bly would n't ap prove of fic tion etc. You rightly state that “A de monic force is in fer -
writ ing, be cause by it's very na ture it's imag i nary and HE ment of which gov ern ments and au thor i ties in the
would pre fer we glo rify HIM in the real world in stead of a West have no com pre hen sion.” I’ve found that even
vain lit er ary dis trac tion. And so I think HE gave no per - the great est of our Chris tian teach ers, like your self,
mis sion to peo ple to be come writ ers, ac tors or any thing of who Yahweh has blessed with the gift of deep spir i tual
the sort. What do you think? Does God pro hibit fic tion in sights, have un canny “blind spots.” Yours ap pears to
writ ing? be here.
COMMENT: This is some thing I have n’t given much (if With wis dom look at your own words: If Saddam is
any) thought to in the past; how ever, it makes a lot of such a threat and so evil for what he has done, might
sense. Does YEHOVAH God in deed pro hibit fic tion writ - do, has maybe im pliedly threat ened to do, or could do,
ing? My first re sponse would be “yes.” This is some thing to the U.S. Or any one else, how much more so is Bush,
we will look into in de tail. et al such a threat and evil power, by way of him hav -
ing threat ened and al ready com mit ted count less thou -
*** sands of mur ders of in no cent women and chil dren for
his oil in ter ests -- and sa tan i cally mis used the cloak of
Brother Keyser, the “U.S. Gov ern ment” and “in the name of the Amer i -
can peo ple” to carry on his cam paign of such crimes?
It is with love and re spect for you as an as tute teacher of
our Peo ple that I write this; but will pull no punches, The fact that Bush, et al, have hyp o crit i cally pre tended
within that con text. to be a “Chris tian” and do ing his di a bol i cal wick ed -
ness un der the cloak of “God,” only mag ni fies his sins.
Even our brother Pe ter, as Yahshua’s apos tle, had to be ad - It is he, and his pre de ces sors in of fice, not Saddam,
mon ished for Sa tan creep ing in and in flu enc ing his view who is bring ing Yahweh’s wrath on our na tion. (As the
on a mat ter, as you’ll re call. It’s that strongly that I re - peo ple blindly fol low him, in idol a try -- that is, idol iz -
spond to your (or an other writer’s?) po si tion on p.70 of the ing these so-called “lead ers” to be blinded by their
July-Aug. Berean Voice. rhet o ric, as has hap pened to you, my friend, in this sit -
u a tion). In the same BV is sue, you rightly ex posed the
I have no dis agree ment with the re main der of the ar ti cle hid eous crimes of some 13 of the most mur der ous, sin -
nor with the au thor’s and your over all view about the Is - ful Popes in his tory, pro nounc ing their crimes, and yet
lam evil and its threat. How ever, the view on p.70 can all of those and all their wick ed ness and crimes to -
come only straight from Sa tan and his cun ning de cep tions. gether, pale in com par i son to what Bush, et al., have al -
ready com mit ted, also “in the name of God.” And what
One thing I have come to be lieve about you, in the past few he has in store for you, your chil dren and all true Chris -
years of read ing BV, is that, un like most Chris tian lead ers tians, makes all the Popes and his past evils pale in
and teach ers, you are righ teously hum ble enough to com par i son. Per haps you will not awaken till you and
open-mindedly con sider other views, and to ac knowl edge your chil dren are dy ing in his U.S. Con cen tra tion
that a past un der stand ing you held was mis taken. With that camps of “Home land Se cu rity” and other such
in mind, I im plore you to back track into what in flu enced schemes, but I would hope to the con trary that this ad -
this view, and re con sider some things. mo ni tion might in stead prod you to look fur ther now,
and re sult in bring ing light to this mis taken view the
I re fer spe cif i cally to the be lief that “lead er ship” of Bush de ceiv ers have led you to.
and Blair are hope ful in their dis po si tion to take nec es sary
The Berean Voice