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Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                   37

                 “As in all the con gre ga tions of God’s peo ple, let the wives ist, but af ter hav ing read the bi ble, I've be gun to think
                 re main si lent when the con gre ga tion meets; they are cer - be ing  a sto ry teller  is a sin. It may sound silly, but I
                 tainly not per mit ted to speak out. Rather, let them re main think it might be. There's no au tho ri za tion, even in the
                 sub or di nate, as also the To rah says; and if there is some - ab stract,  for sto ry tell ers, ac tors,  play wrights,  or any -
                 thing they want to know, let them ask their own hus bands one who writes or per forms fic tion. I'm of the be lief
                 at home; for it is shame ful for a woman to speak out in a that if it's not au tho rized in the word, then it's pro hib -
                 con gre ga tional meet ing.”                   ited. But there's more to it.

                 Also, in I Tim o thy 2:11-12: “Let a woman learn in peace, Fic tion  is an or ga nized  lie. It's usu ally  an imag in ing
                 fully sub mit ted; but I do not per mit a woman to teach a based on lit tle  truth. By it's very na ture it's not true.
                 man or ex er cise au thor ity over him; rather, she is to re main  And yes, it's never pur ported by it's au thor to be any -
                 at peace.”                                     thing more, and it's readily ac cepted as a lie by all who
                                                                read it, but that does n't  change that it's a false hood
                 YEHOVAH places much im por tance in a woman’s role at writ ten for van ity's sake.
                 home, as we find men tioned in Prov erbs 31:10, 13-19, 21,
                 22, 24 and 27. See also Ruth 2:2-23.           Some might say that Christ him self was a sto ry teller,
                                                                but I con tend  that as God in car nate  HE  was om ni -
                 While many claim that Psalm 68:11 gives women the right  scient, and hence, did n't have to make up any sto ries.
                 to pub lish or preach the Good News, al most all the trans la - Ev ery par a ble HE told was in fact a true story from a
                 tions I have make no ref er ence  to women at all in this real per son's life.
                 verse. No tice  the NKJ Ver sion:  “The LORD gave the
                 word; Great was the com pany  of those who pro claimed Note also that nei ther HIS apos tles, nor the proph ets
                 it:” How ever, Luke clearly men tions in the book of Acts were sto ry tell ers or fic tion au thors, and in all the bi ble
                 that YEHOVAH God al lows the role of proph et ess: “But there's not a sin gle writer of fic tion men tioned. I think
                 this is what was spo ken by the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall it's be cause they knew it was wrong, and no body had to
                 come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out tell them. They un der stood that if no writ ers had been
                 My spirit on all flesh; your sons AND YOUR men tioned    in over three thou sand  years, that meant
                 DAUGHTERS shall proph esy, your young men shall see don't do it.
                 vi sions,  your old men shall dream dreams’” (Acts
                 2:16-17).                                      Then there's the prob lem of fic tion it self. Fic tion is in
                                                                re sponse to the hu man need for heroes. We don't see
                 Then, in Acts 21:9: “He [Philip] had four un mar ried any right in front of us, so we cre ate them. By in vent -
                 daugh ters with the gift of proph ecy.”        ing them, we're putt ing for ward the idea that as hu man
                                                                be ings we can find our own so lu tions, within our own
                 Aside from the role of proph et ess,  YEHOVAH God al - power. I think this may be in com pat i ble with God. God
                 lows women to be teach ers of His Word to the chil dren of wants us to see HIM as the so lu tion for our prob lems.
                 the house hold but, as we have clearly seen above, the role And while it's true, you can write sto ries a 'la "Touched
                 of min is ter or preacher in the con gre ga tion is re served for By and An gel," and it does the task of tell ing a story,
                 men.                                           while clearly spread ing the gos pel. But any thing other
                                                                than that, and the best you can do is pay scant lip-ser -
                                       ***                      vice to God. I can't do TBAA type sto ries, be cause  I
                                                                feel it's ar ro gant  and wrong to pre tend  that we can
                 Hello, my name is J. S., and I have a ques tion. I have just know the thoughts or ac tions of an gels, and also that
                 bought a bi ble and have had it five days now. I've be gun to we have no right to make the most se ri ous of sub jects
                 re think what a sin is. I was con sid er ing be com ing a nov el - into fic tion, how ever re spect ful or well-in ten tioned the

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