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32 The Virgin Birth and the Messiah
not as far-out and un scrip tural as most may think. There may be some as pects of truth to the myth o -
log i cal sto ries of old, though the sto ries are dis torted.
So, IF such was the case, then we can in deed point to a form of godly pro cre ation. The
"gods" were the heav enly be ings, and the "vir gins" were the stun ningly at trac tive women of the
earth. But, does Scrip ture re cord this as be ing a good thing? NO! In fact, it was largely as a re sult
of these abom i na ble un ions that YEHOVAH God ul ti mately de stroyed the earth with a great flood!
Thus, what Scrip ture CLEARLY im plies to be a gro tesque abom i na tion -- co hab i ta tion be tween
heav enly and earthly be ings -- Chris tian ity teaches as a ma jor doc trine and ex alts! Worse still,
Chris tian ity, fol low ing its pa gan Babylonish or i gins, has the very Cre ator Him self par tak ing in this
sex ual un ion with woman!
It is no ta ble that two of the only re li gions that do not have a vir gin birth ac count is the true
Mono the is tic Mes si anic faith (not to be con fused with coun ter feit Messianism) and Ju da ism of
which the true Mono the is tic Mes si anic faith was a sect.
For cen tu ries, since the dawn of time, Sa tan worked tire lessly to pro mote his false,
Babylonish re li gion. He fi nally suc ceeded with his fi nal work -- the Beastly re li gious sys tem or
great har lot that se duces and spir i tu ally for ni cates with much of the world's pop u la tion --
Constantinian Chris tian ity. It is with this grand achieve ment -- the spir i tual great har lot -- that Sa -
tan may fi nally ob tain the wor ship he has al ways de sired. Using Constantinian Chris tian ity, Sa tan
has pulled many peo ple away from wor ship of the TRUE God and the man cho sen by YEHOVAH
God -- the Mes siah Yeshua.
It dis mays us when we con sider the way Tra di tional Chris tians fo cus so much on the "vir gin
birth" of Yeshua, even to the point of mak ing it a foun da tional and of ten re demp tive teach ing. Of
course, this is done de spite the fact there is hardly a men tion of it in the en tire New Tes ta ment and
ab so lutely ZERO in di ca tion that it was con sid ered a nec es sary be lief! Chris tian ity even
"christianized" an un scrip tural hol i day to com mem o rate it (Christ mas), which is un doubt edly a cel -
e bra tion of en tirely pa gan or i gins.
Scrip turally speak ing, the birth of Yeshua -- at best -- ranks a dis tant third among mi rac u -
lous births! Adam was fash ioned from dirt, and Eve from Adam's rib! Nei ther of them even had a
mother! If a mi rac u lous birth is a pri mary in gre di ent in de ter min ing who is the "son of God", the fe -
male, Eve, is more of a "son" than Yeshua! In deed, if mi rac u lous birth is a pri mary in gre di ent for
de ter min ing one's "de ity", then Adam and Eve have a stron ger claim to be ing "God" than does
Our eter nal life is not de ter mined by Yeshua's birth. It is de ter mined by his self less death
as pay ment for the law ful pen alty of eter nal death we de serve be cause of our sins. It is his death
and sub se quent res ur rec tion by His God and ours that gives us hope for a fu ture res ur rec tion to
eter nal life in the King dom to come.
The Berean Voice