Page 39 - BV20
P. 39
Hope of Israel Mail Bag 39
Love and respect to you, dear brother, and the king dom shall not be left to other peo ple, but it
P.F.L. shall break in pieces and con sume all these king doms
and it shall stand for ever.’ This is why Brit ain and the
COMMENT: We stand by the ar ti cle you re fer to above. U.S. Have never been de feated, and never will be in
Un for tu nately, my friend, you are the one who has been war, and will stand “for ever.” Let those forces of evil
de ceived by “Sa tan and his cun ning de cep tions.” To com - in the world take note!...YEHOVAH will move IN
pare Pres i dent Bush to the “sin ful Popes in his tory” and to BEHALF OF HIS PEOPLE so that the Stone King dom
say that his “wick ed ness” “makes all the Popes and his will not be de stroyed by the evil forces that come up
[their?] evils pale in com par i son” is lu di crous and al most against it, since the House of Ja cob is to grow into a
laugh able if I did n’t de tect that you are sin cere in your be - moun tain and fill the en tire earth” (March-April 2002
lief. The re cently con cluded Iraqi War was a righ teous one BV).
in which YEHOVAH God blessed His na tions of Is rael in,
and al lowed them to win in the un be liev able fast time of 24 Clearly, you need to re move the scales from your eyes
days with min i mal loses to the troops con cerned. As “the and re al ize that your stance is a di rect re proach to
Is rael of YEHOVAH God” we (U.S., Great Brit ain and YEHOVAH God Him self. It ap pears that you have
Aus tra lia) are more than likely ful fill ing the proph ecy bought into the same con spir acy the ory that mil lions of
found in Deu ter on omy 33:16-17, which reads: “With the oth ers around the world have bought into un der the in -
pre cious things of the earth and its full ness, and THE flu ence of Sa tan the mas ter de ceiver.
bless ing come ‘on the head of Jo seph, and on the crown of ***
the head of him who was sep a rate from his broth ers.’ His
glory is like a first born bull, and his horns are like the Hello,
horns of the wild ox; to gether with them HE SHALL
PUSH THE PEOPLES TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH; I must say, it is hard for me to re spond to your dog mat i -
they are the ten thou sands of Ephraim, and they are the cally ed u cated site.
thou sands of Manasseh.”
For good rea son, the con sen sus of the sci en tific com -
In a re cent ar ti cle en ti tled Just What Is the ‘Stone King - mu nity has been pro evo lu tion for 130 years.
dom’ of Dan iel 2? I wrote: “While it ap pears that the task
of smash ing the im age is com plete, mod ern Is rael must al - It is not by blind faith, or mind less view points that the
ways be on guard against the rise of forces that would seek sci en tific com mu nity has be lieved in evo lu tion for 130
to de stroy us. One such threat was thrust upon us on Sep - years. It is by ob ser va tion alone. I’ve heard all of the
tem ber 11, 2001, when Is lamic ter ror ists de stroyed the silly ar gu ments on how evo lu tion has never been ob -
Twin Towers of New York and snuffed out some 3,000 served. So, spare me that one. It is through in fer ence of
[in no cent] lives....As YEHOVAH GOD’S BATTLE AX over whelm ing data that the con clu sion is met. Grav ity,
we may yet have to face and de stroy those who would seek for in stance, is a the ory. Do you doubt that? For the
to dom i nate the world. It is well to bear in mind that Brit - most part, the only peo ple that I have ever heard that
ain and the U.S. are the only two great pow ers that have be lieve in creationism, are the same peo ple that do not
never been de feated in war. Ko rea was a stale mate and the know why our an ti bi ot ics are no lon ger ef fec tive
U.S. withdrew from Viet nam. All the other great pow ers against new strains of bac te ria.
have been de feated -- in clud ing Spain, France, Ger many,
It aly, Tur key, Rus sia, China and Ja pan. This is in keep ing Any way, it would take too much fu tile time for you
with Dan iel 2:24 -- ‘And in the days of these kings (Bab y - and me to go any fur ther. I sug gest you start with ac tu -
lon, Medo-Per sia, Greece, Rome) shall the God of heaven ally read ing “The Or i gin of Spe cies” be fore draw ing
set up a king dom (Is rael), which shall never be de stroyed: con clu sions on it.
The Berean Voice