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Hope of Israel Mail Bag 41
Please if there is time and chance send me the fol low ing vem ber/De cem ber is sue was never re ceived nor the
ar ti cles: A -- The Stone of Des tiny: The In cred i ble Story Jan u ary/Feb ru ary one. I be lieve they are sent by sur -
of Lia-Fail! B -- From Ca naan to Con nect i cut -- The face mail to save post age and right you are but I can not
Story of the Alqonquian In di ans! And also send me re mem ber that it ever took this long. I hope I am still on
God’s Sa cred cal en dar for 2003 -- I’m still not per fect in your mail ing list, not that I can imag ine why my name
fig ur ing it on my own. Thanks a lot, thank you very very should have been re moved.
much in ad vance in shar ing this gen u ine gem of lit er acy to
us or di nary peo ple. Matt. 7:16-20. Now that I am in touch with you I won der whether you
are fa mil iar with a news let ter some friends sent to me
In clos ing for get ting not prayer to you (H.I.M.). Al ways in the other day. It ar rives once a month and makes very
my daily prayer. in ter est ing lit er a ture, it mainly is about the re al ity of
end time news and how it is be ing prac ticed right there
F.S. in the United States. It is al most scary what is hap pen -
(Philippines) ing un der the cur rent ad min is tra tion and sur pris ing that
the cit i zens are not aware of how their lib er ties are be -
P.S. -- Continue ing taken away one af ter an other. I have an ex tra copy
which I en close and it is one of the more in ter est ing
Dur ing my at ten dance in TPM group -- al most 7 months I ones in that it shows in de tail who George W. Bush re -
shared my small tithe to them that was Sept. 2000 to April ally is. I pre fer not to take away from your read ing
2001 un til Pass over, af ter the Feast I stopped at tend ing to plea sure what Pastor Da vid J. Meyer has to say and I
them any more. leave you with it to dis cover the om i nous threats hang -
ing over all of you. Not that any true be liever in this
This year af ter Feast of Ta ber na cles go ing to 2003 I’m part of the world is go ing to be better off in the long run
plan ning again to save my small tithe till F. of T. By this but the threat in Amer ica seems to be more im mi nent.
year 2003. I can feel you in clude us in your prayers with Maybe you can re ceive per mis sion from Pas tor Meyer
my fam ily the same as I do al ways. to print some of his ar ti cles in the Berean Voice or
make your read ers aware of this news let ter.
Thank you again and may God bless us all, with in spi ra -
tion and joy, for the joy of the Lord God is your strength. I fi nally did get a first in stal ment of the James Ta bor
Bi ble, the book of Gen e sis. It is like read ing the Bi ble
*** for the first time but I can not imag ine that it is go ing to
be a pop u lar Bi ble, maybe a study or ref er ence Bi ble
Hola John, but us ing it on a daily ba sis I can not imag ine. So may
be I was jump ing the gun too quickly but how long will
Shalom y saludos de Espana soleada. it take to pro duce the other books if so far, af ter all this
long time, only one book has been pro duced? It is any -
Long time no hear, hope ev ery thing is fine up there at body’s guess.
Thou sand Oaks, are they all still there or was there some
grab happy firm that cut them all down? You are a firm be liever in the day start ing at sun set.
Re cently I wrote an es say about “The Cov e nant with
The last time I wrote you was on De cem ber 9th, 2002 and Day and Night” and I en close a copy for your ref er -
ever since no news from my fa vour ite au thor John D. ence. As far as I am con cerned it proves again con clu -
Keyser and his mag a zine The Berean Voice. Yes ter day I sively that a day starts at dawn. I am go ing through the
had to look up some thing I was in need of and went Bi ble again from cover to cover as is my habit, once a
through the pile and all of a sud den I re al ized that the No - year, and I came across a few more proofs which are
The Berean Voice