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64                                                           The Dynasty of the Oppression

                       World His tory, by Herman L. Hoeh. Vol.I. Am bas sa dor  Col lege,  Pas a dena,  CA. 1963.

                       There is an other rea son why the Is ra el ites can not have built the city of Ramesses dur ing the
                reign of Ramesses the Great. The ear li est ref er ence to Is rael out side of the Bi ble is on the fa mous
                MERNEPTAH STELE. Merneptah was the suc ces sor of Ramesses II (“the Great”). No tice what
                Hans Goedicke, chair man of the de part ment of Near East ern Studies at John Hopkins Uni ver sity,
                has to say:

                       Merneptah’s fa mous stele re cords his mil i tary achieve ments to the fifth year of his reign. By
                                                                 that time, ISRAEL HAD SUCH SIGNI-
                                                                 FICANCE AS A PEOPLE that it is listed
                                                                 among these achieve ments:  “ Is rael’s  seed is
                                                                 not,” Pha raoh  Merneptah boasted, with ob vi -
                                                                 ous ex ag ger a tion.  The peo ple  of Is rael  was
                                                                 plainly  a  POLITICAL      PROBLEM       for
                                                                 Merneptah. This could hardly have been the
                                                                 case if the peo ple who be came Is rael had SO
                                                                 RECENTLY be come a “peo ple” af ter the Ex o -
                                                                 dus. Are we to be lieve that within 75 years at
                                                                 most,   the  Ex o dus  group    be came   A
                                                                 POLITICAL AND MILITARY POWER of
                                                                 the mag ni tude re flected in the Merneptah stele,
                                                                 es pe cially  af ter  a 40-year desert so journ?  --
                                                                 BAR, Sep tem ber/Oc to ber 1981.

                                                                  The answer is, obviously, NO!

                       In 1966, an Aus trian ar chae o log i cal team, headed by Dr. Manfred Bietak, be gan long-term
                ex ca va tions four miles north of the delta town of Faqus -- at a site called Tell el-Dab’a. Bietak was
                aware that this site had an ear lier name, Tell el-Birka -- “the mound of the LAKE.” Old maps re -
                vealed that this lake was at one time joined to the old Pelusiac branch of the Nile by an ar ti fi cial wa -
                ter way that an ciently en cir cled the whole area. When ae rial pho tog ra phy re vealed the an cient bed
                of the Pelusaic branch of the Nile, Bietak was con vinced he had found the SITE OF RAMESSES.

                       Dur ing the 1979-80 ex ca va tion sea son, Bietak re al ized that the city had been built DURING

                       Some FIVE HUNDRED YEARS BEFORE THE TIME OF RAMESSES II. this had been a
                       CAREFULLY LAID OUT CITY of some im por tance dur ing the time of Egypt’s MIDDLE
                       KINGDOM, a cen tury or so PRIOR to Egypt’s take over by the Hyksos. Readily dis cern ible
                       were the foun da tions of an im pos ing 450-foot-long pal ace, with a huge court lined by col -
                       umns, that had prob a bly served as a ROYAL SUMMER RESIDENCE....Re cords show that
                       or der [in Egypt] was re-es tab lished by STRONG GOVERNMENT on the part of the kings
                       of Egypt’s MIDDLE KINGDOM, and IT IS TO THESE THAT CAN BE ATTRIBUTED

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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