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The Dynasty of the Oppression                                                             69

                proc la ma tion of Usurtasen I. and the con struc tion of the pyr a mids them selves -- the only log i cal
                con clu sion you can ar rive at is that the DYNASTY OF THE OPPRESSION WAS THE 12th!

                       The 6th Dy nasty must be ruled out as be ing too early; and the time of the Hyksos as un ten a -
                ble. The 18th and 19th Dy nasties were much too late — be cause they were CONTEMPORARY
                with the king dom of Is rael! The 12th Dy nasty fits ALL the re quire ments; and when this is re al ized,
                the events of the time fall into place and make sense. Un for tu nately, mod ern his to ri ans stum ble
                along in the DARK, forc ing events into time-frames that are not meant to re ceive them, and com ing
                up with hy poth e ses that bor der on the ri dic u lous! Truly, the wis dom of this world is fool ish ness to
                YEHOVAH God.

                       The Egyp tian em pire of the 12th Dy nasty ap peared to the world of that time as the CENTER
                of civ i li za tion,  and of all prog ress  in the ar eas  of in tel lec tual,  ar tis tic  and com mer cial ac tiv ity.
                “There was a flour ish ing of art in Egypt, in styles COM PLETELY DIF FER ENT from the tra di -
                tional and this ‘par tic u lar  peo ple’  who had en tered  Egypt. There is the ap pear ance of a
                NON-TRADITIONAL lit er a ture de light ing in saga-like sto ries fea tur ing the ex ploits of heroes in
                for eign lands which, flour ish ing later in An cient Greece, brought im mor tal ity to Homer and flour -
                ished yet again in the Dark Ages. There is the ap pear ance  of NON-TRADITIONAL sculp tures
                which are far more imag i na tive and of greater ar tis tic qual ity, re veal ing a deeper in sight into the
                spiritural as pect of hu man ity. This de vel op ment -- which was short-lived in Egypt -- again is found
                to flour ish later amongst the An cient Greeks. In ar chi tec ture, there was a SUDDEN flour ish ing of
                non-tra di tional de signs -- such as the fluted col umns which were later brought to fru ition in the glo -
                ri ous ar chi tec ture of An cient Greece.” (Wake Up! May 1980. P. 10).

                         Art, in the dif fer ent spheres of its ac tiv ity, reached a height and per fec tion never again to be
                at tained in Egypt; and the in scrip tions cut into the stone me mo ri als and tomb walls were of the fin -
                est in sym me try and pre ci sion.

                       It is clear to see that UNIQUE arts and skills de vel oped in Egypt dur ing the Mid dle King -
                dom, and are at trib uted to a NON-EGYP TIAN PEO PLE who had en tered the land. These same arts
                and skills sur faced amongst the An cient Greeks, the Etrus cans, the Scythians and fi nally the Celts
                and the An glo-Sax ons.

                       We do not have to stretch our imag i na tions very far to re al ize that the Is ra el ites, cra dled in
                the great cen ter of civ i li za tion, would ap ply them selves to the arts and skills prac ticed in Egypt and
                would cre ate that which was unique to them.

                       The bril liance of this dy nasty was then, with out a doubt, the DIRECT RESULT of the bril -
                liance of the He brew slaves toil ing in the harsh Egyp tian sun to con struct the ed i fices and me mo ri -
                als and ca nals that so amazed the rest of the world. This, in it self, is a di rect PROOF of the Is ra el ite
                pres ence in the land of Kemi dur ing this stage of the na tion’s de vel op ment.

                 Hope of Israel Ministries -- Taking the Lead in the Search
                 for Truth!

                The Berean Voice
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