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74                                                                             Islam’s Peace

                 Ot to man  Chris tians  en dured  for four cen tu ries.  The  pop u lar  “ex pla na tion”  that
                 More than a mil lion  Ar me ni ans  were slaugh - Osama bin Laden and other ter ror ists are not
                 tered in the last de cades of the nine teenth and the  Mus lims,  but fa nat ics,  is a re buke  to the
                 first of the twen ti eth cen tu ries, as well as many Qur’an, to Mu ham mad,  and to Is lam  it self.
                 thou sands  of Jews, Greeks, Assyrians, Leb a - As Trifkovic writes (p. 127), “Thir teen cen tu -
                 nese, et al.                                   ries of...suf fer ing and death of count less mil -
                                                                lions, have been cov ered  by the myth of
                        Tragically, the op pres sion  and blood - Is lamic ‘tol er ance’....” The West winks at the
                 shed were of ten con doned  by West ern pow ers, bla tant de nial of ba sic hu man rights and sup -
                 par tic u larly  Eng land  and at times Amer ica.  In port of ter ror ism  by Saudi Ara bia  and other
                 the great 1915 geno cide,  “women came with Mus lim coun tries -- even fa vors Is lamic ter -
                 butcher knives [to] gain that merit in Al lah’s ror ists  in Chechnya, Cy prus,  Bosnia, Kash -
                 eyes that co mes  from kill ing  a Chris tian”  (Mi - mir, Kosovo, Mac e do nia,  Su dan  and East
                 chael J. Arlen, Pas sage  to Ara rat (Ruminator Timor.
                 Books, 2002), 224). The de struc tion of Smyrna
                 in Sep tem ber 1922 with the de lib er ate mas sa cre  Our po lit i cally  cor rect  de lu sion  is
                 of nearly 300,000 in hab it ants is an other ex am ple  lead ing  to di sas ter.  Tragically, the gos pel  is
                 of Is lamic  “peace.” Eng lish,  Amer i can,  Ital ian kept from Is lamic coun tries by the fail ure of
                 and French bat tle ships an chored in the har bor re - West ern gov ern ments to ad mit and con front
                 pelled flee ing vic tims who swam out to them for the truth about Is lam. Please con tinue to in -
                 help (Nich o las  Gage,  Greek Fire  (Al fred  A. form your selves, to pro test to our lead ers, to
                 Knopf, 2000), cited in Trifkovic, 125).        pray for God’s in ter ven tion,  and to be wit -
                                                                nesses for Christ to Mus lims in our coun try.

                                                           In Rev e la tion 17, the apos tle John de scribes in great de tail
                                                         char ac ter is tics of a great false church  which has been the part -
                                                         ner of the Antichrist down through the ages -- was he de scrib -
                                                         ing the Ro man  Cath o lic  Church? Tra di tion  says the woman
                                                         who rides the beast is con nected with the church of Rome. But
                                                         is n’t such a view out dated? Af ter all, to day’s Vat i can is ea ger
                                                         to join hands with Prot es tants  world wide.  “The Cath o lic
                                                         Church has changed,” is what we hear. Or has it?

                                                           To an swer that ques tion Dave Hunt has spent years gath er -
                                                         ing in dis put able  his tor i cal  doc u men ta tion  (pri mar ily  from
                                                         Cath o lic re sources) to pro vide in for ma tion not gen er ally avail -
                                                         able. Eight re mark able clues in Rev e la tion 17 and 18 prove the
                                                         woman’s iden tity be yond any rea son able doubt.

                                                         While we dis agree with Mr. Hunt’s in ter pre ta tion of proph ecy,
                                                         this 544 page book is a valu able ref er ence on the doc trines and
                                                         in trigues of this apos tate church -- and high lights the fact that
                                                         Sa tan has truly de ceived this world into think ing the Ro man
                                                         Cath o lic Church and the pa pal sys tem is de scended from the
                                                         apos tle Pe ter and the church he founded in Rome.

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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