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P. 78
78 The House of Israel
thine hus band...I am mer ci ful, saith the LORD, and I will with out the for mal ity of mar riage. The State ac cepts,
not keep an ger for ever. Only ac knowl edge thine in iq - in deed en cour ages, this re jec tion of Di vine law by ac -
uity...that ye have not obeyed my voice...Turn, O back - cord ing some le gal rec og ni tion of such un blessed un -
slid ing chil dren...for I am mar ried unto you.” Is rael is ions. For ex am ple, the “com mon law wife,” as she is
in deed the su preme Bride of the Scrip tures -- YEHOVAH eu phe mis ti cally called, has now ac quired le gal sta tus.
God’s Wife. Par lia ment has also given le gal bless ing and a re spect -
able name to an un nat u ral sex ual per ver sion so nau se -
Un der sus tained Sa tanic at tack and mis led by po lit i cal and at ing that YEHOVAH God pu ni tively de stroyed an
re li gious lead ers, the Chris tian na tions of mod ern Is rael en tire com mu nity which had be come de praved by it.
are in ex actly the same re la tion ship to YEHOVAH God as
were their fore fa thers to whom those words of re-be - Yeshua the Mes siah warned us that he who “looks on a
trothal, fol low ing re pen tance, were ad dressed over 2,500 woman to lust af ter her” has al ready com mit ted adul -
years ago. Here, in deed, is the real is sue with which the tery in his heart. But the State per mits the ap pall ing
Church should be grap pling -- the state of di vorce ment trade of por nog ra phy to flour ish through out the land,
which ex ists be tween YEHOVAH God and His ser vant cor rupt ing our youth and pro vok ing thou sands of vi o -
peo ple Is rael, about which the Church not merely knows lent at tacks upon our women and chil dren. Many of the
noth ing but re fuses to lis ten to YEHOVAH’s anx ious pop u lar me dia, and par tic u larly the tele vi sion chan -
pleas, made through His ser vants the proph ets. The nels, have al lowed them selves to be drawn into the or -
Church will not rec og nize that the na tions of Is rael are bit of near-por nog ra phy. Be cause of their sex ual
again di vorced from the Eter nal, sunk deeply in sin and sug ges tive ness and of fen sive lan guage, some tele vi -
suf fer ing the pen al ties which it at tracts; blind to their true sion programmes are un fit even for adult au di ences.
iden tity and there fore un aware of the Di vine Pro tec tion And when the mon sters who vi o late our women are
which could be theirs in greater mea sure by obe di ence to brought be fore the Courts for pun ish ment they are of -
His laws and or di nances. ten judged to be “sick” enough to be pam pered un der
psy chi at ric care.
The facts are dis tress ingly ob vi ous. In the United King -
dom alone one mar riage in four ends on the rocks. Dur ing One in ev i ta ble con se quence of this wide spread de -
1980 there were no fewer than 200,000 di vorces -- a prav ity and stark im mo ral ity is the alarm ing growth in
three-fold in crease since 1968 -- bring ing de spair and suf - the in ci dence of the ve ne real dis eases -- in clud ing the
fer ing to thou sands of in no cent peo ple. The fig ures to day plague of AIDS. In deed, in both the United King dom
are even greater. This ap pall ing dis rup tion of fam ily life and the United States this type of dis ease has now
(which is cost ing the State well over L1,000 mil lions an - reached ep i demic pro por tions -- “...and re ceiv ing in
nu ally in so cial se cu rity and other pay ments to one-par ent them selves the rec om pense of their er ror which was
fam i lies) is a di rect con se quence of the na tion’s re jec tion meet.”
of the Chris tian ethic. This re jec tion per me ates ev ery stra -
tum of so ci ety. In his Epis tle to the Romans (from which the fore go ing
words are taken) the apos tle Paul de scribes what
Be cause our school chil dren are be ing taught the bi o log i cal YEHOVAH God will al low to hap pen to His peo ple
facts of life with out ref er ence to Scrip tural mo ral ity, there who re fuse to ac knowl edge Him. His words are dis -
is such wide spread and un in hib ited sex ual ac tiv ity among turb ingly ap pli ca ble to what is hap pen ing in Brit ain to -
teen ag ers that many young girls are per ma nently on the day: “Where fore God also gave them up to
con tra cep tive pill -- in many cases with out the knowl edge un clean ness through the lusts of their own hearts, to
of their par ents. Be cause for ni ca tion is an un pleas ant word dis hon our their own bod ies...Be ing filled with all un -
that has fallen into dis use, young peo ple form what is now righ teous ness, for ni ca tion, wick ed ness, cov et ous ness,
called a “re la tion ship” and un asham edly live to gether ma li cious ness; full of envy, mur der, de bate, de ceit,
The Berean Voice