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The House of Israel                                                                       79

                 whisperers, back bit ers, hat ers  of God, de spite ful,  proud, lee, all the land of Naphtali, and car ried them cap tive to
                 boast ers, in ven tors of evil things, dis obe di ent to par ents, As syria.”
                 with out un der stand ing, cov e nant break ers, with out nat u ral
                 af fec tion, im pla ca ble, un mer ci ful.”    Inscription of Tiglath-Pileser

                 By “play ing the har lot,” mod ern Is rael has di vorced her - “The towns of Gil(ead) and Abel-(beth-Maachah) on
                 self from her God and has thereby cut her self off from the the fron tier  of Beth-Omri [Sa maria],  the wide spread
                 to tal ity  of His pro tec tive  care. Un for tu nately, the lon ger (dis trict of Naphta)li to its whole ex tent I turned into
                 she re mains es tranged, the more deeply she will be come the ter ri tory  of As syria....The  land of Beth-Omri...a
                 en meshed  in sin and thus in creas ingly  ex posed  to the col lec tion of its in hab it ants (with their goods) I trans -
                 fast-grow ing threat of an ni hi la tion. Be cause YEHOVAH ported to As syria...” (Sayce’s As syria).
                 God can not for give  Is rael and take her back into “wife -
                 hood” un less and un til she re pents of her wick ed ness and 1 Chronicles 5
                 be cause she re mains blind to her iden tity and her re la tion -
                 ship to YEHOVAH, a great re spon si bil ity de volves upon “And the God of Is rael stirred up the spirit of Pul king
                 those who have been cho sen by the holy spirit to share and of As syria,  and the spirit of Tilgath-pilneser king of
                 dis sem i nate this knowl edge.                As syria,  and he car ried  them away, even the
                                                                Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of
                 In YEHOVAH God’s great mercy Chris tian Is ra el ites, as Manasseh, and brought them unto Halah, and Har bor,
                 we are en ti tled  to re gard  our selves,  have been sown and Hara, and to the river Gozan, unto this day.”
                 through out  the Eng lish-speak ing  and kin dred  na tions.
                 Within these far-flung com mu ni ties  they must be some - Josephus, Antiquities, Book IX
                 thing more than pas sive wit nesses to the eter nal truths of
                 the un cor rupted  Chris tian  Faith. They must be ac tive  in “...But the king of As syria,  whose name was
                 any sphere which will lead to a cru cial awak en ing in both Tiglath-Pileser, when he had made an ex pe di tion
                 church and state.                              against the Is ra el ites, and had over run all the land of
                                                                Gilead, and the re gion be yond Jor dan, and the ad join -
                   Our Ancestors Were Deported from             ing coun try, which is called Gal i lee, and Kadesh, and
                     Palestine -- To North-West Iran            Hazor, he made the in hab it ants  pris on ers,  and trans -
                                                                planted them into his own king dom....”
                 A     suf fi cient weight of ev i dence is avail able -- from  Jewish Encyclopaedia, article “Captivity”
                      the Bi ble nar ra tive, the in scrip tions
                                                    of the an cient
                      Assyrians, the early his to ri ans, and from other sec u -
                 lar sources -- to iden tify the re gions to which the cap tives  “Tiglath-Pileser....While he an nexed  these bor der -
                 from the Ten-tribed king dom of Is rael were taken fol low -  lands of the tribes of Zebulon, Asher, and Naphtali, to -
                 ing their de por ta tion from Pal es tine. They were car ried to  gether with such of the east ern ter ri tory of the Jor dan
                 the coun try south-west and south of the Cas pian Sea, in  as be longed  to Is rael,  he led the in hab it ants of these
                 what is now Iran. This hap pened, chiefly, dur ing the 8th  prov inces into As syria, and es tab lished them there (2
                 cen tury B.C.                                  Kings 15).

                 2 Kings 15                                     2 Kings 17

                 “In the days of Pekah king of Is rael came Tigath-pilneser  “In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of As syria took
                 king of As syria, and took Ijon, and Abel-beth-maachah,  Sa maria,  and car ried  Is rael  away to As syria,  and
                 and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Gal i -  placed them in Halah and in Har bor  by  the river

                The Berean Voice
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