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The House of Israel                                                                       75

                  The House of Israel

                   Equating Our Nation With Biblical           Then, in a pref ace to his sec ond book, Is rael Redivivus,
                                    Israel                     pub lished  in 1905, he made this ob ser va tion  upon the
                                                               iden tity of the An glo-Saxon race with the so-called ‘lost
                  E   x plo ra tion is some thing in which most nor mal hu -  ten tribes of Is rael’ -- “The ev i dences on this sub ject are
                                                               so nu mer ous and so clear, that it seems truly a mar vel
                      mans de light -- not just for the phys i cal sat is fac tion
                      of the sa fari or of meet ing chal lenges of fered to the  why they have not long ago been uni ver sally rec og nized
                  ex plorer when trav el ing into vir gin ter ri tory; but rather  and ac knowl edged.”
                  for the richer in tel lec tual dis cov er ies of which the study
                  of Is rael as a Ser vant Peo ple is a splen did ex am ple. It  With a cen tury of his tory to look back on since he wrote
                  was quite a re mark able dis cov ery to find my self fol low -  those lines, we have seen the world twice rav aged  by
                  ing a course iden ti cal to that set by my grand fa ther, Fred -  global war fare, with uni ver sal de gen er acy reach ing ter -
                  er ick  Charles Danvers, whom I never knew; and  ri fy ing pro por tions and our na tion’s one-time great ness
                  like wise, to be pur su ing a trail which he had blazed when   brought low. Know also that while the Time of the End
                  search ing the mi gra tory routes of the Children of Is rael  can never be ad vanced to a date con ve nient to our as sess -
                  from the time of their dis per sion to their lat ter-day de -  ments or rea son ing, yet in God’s full ness of time -- when
                  scen dants as em bod ied in the Celto-Saxon na tions of to -  noth ing re mains to Is rael but to plead for help and sal va -
                  day was quite un ex pected.                  tion; when the blind Ser vant Na tion casts her self ut terly
                                                               upon His Mercy -- then will we have the scales torn from
                  Ex actly one hun dred years ago this month, in his book  our eyes and stand re vealed,  our Is rael  iden tity  pro -
                  The Cov e nant  or Ja cob’s  Her i tage, pub lished in June  claimed.
                  1877, he wrote:
                                                               Were there times in his tory  when Brit ons  were not
                  “Now, with ref er ence to those com men ta tors of the Bi -  averse to equat ing their na tion with the Is rael of the Bi -
                  ble who de clare that Is rael has en tirely per ished from off  ble? Over the past cou ple of years, work on the slide-il -
                  the face of the earth and that the prom ises to the pa tri -  lus trated lec tures -- which in volves self-pro duc tion and
                  archs are to be in her ited  by ‘spir i tual’  Is rael,  or the  most re veal ing re search -- has led me to be lieve that this
                  Church of Christ, it must be clear to think ing per sons  is so. The sec ond lec ture in the se ries The Story of Our
                  that (this) can not have ref er ence to a church, but rather  Royal Tra di tions is never re ally static in con tent be cause
                  to a great na tion....The whole re vealed word of Scrip ture  slides are con stantly be ing added, to pro vide the ‘proof
                  leads us to ex pect that, in the lat ter days, Is rael shall be  pos i tive’  to the nar ra tive.  For in stance:  Drake’s pur -
                  re-es tab lished as a col lec tive peo ple and en dowed, not  ported mes sage  to Queen Eliz a beth  fol low ing  the de -
                  only with spir i tual wis dom, but also with great power  struc tion of the Span ish  Ar mada in 1588 is fre quently
                  and in flu ence over the Earth.”             quoted as say ing: “this day God has saved Is rael.”

                                                               On the as sump tion that his writ ten mes sage must still ex -
                                                               ist -- per haps  the ship’s log (HMS  Eliz a beth

                The Berean Voice
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