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P. 66

66                                                           The Dynasty of the Oppression

                       It is in cred i ble to re al ize that two obe lisks from this city were trans ported from Egypt and
                erected on the Thames Em bank ment in Lon don and in Cen tral Park, New York re spec tively, the
                chief cit ies of the peo ples de scended from the two sons of Jo seph, Manasseh and Ephraim -- the
                very peo ples de scended from the slaves who built the city of On! It is as though YEHOVAH God
                Him self di rected the re moval of these obe lisks AS A REMINDER to the de scen dants of Is rael of
                their na tional or i gins!

                       The city of PITHOM is an enigma! In 1883, Edouard Naville of Swit zer land claimed to
                have un cov ered this city at the site of Tell-el-Maskhutah in the Wadi Tumilat; how ever, re cent ex -
                ca va tions at this site by Uni ver sity of To ronto Egyptologist John S. Holladay have com pletely over -
                turned the work of Naville. Ap par ently  Tell-el-Maskhutah went un oc cu pied  from the Mid dle
                Bronze Age un til the Saite and Early Per sian pe ri ods of Egyp tian his tory. In other words, it was un -
                oc cu pied through out the en tire pe riod in which the ex o dus of the Is ra el ites could con ceiv ably have
                oc curred. The city of Pithom still waits to be un cov ered in the “land of Sukot” -- east of Egypt!

                                                      Bricks of Mud

                       In Ex o dus 1:13-14, we read: “And the Egyp tians ty ran nised over the chil dren of Is rael by
                force. And they em bit tered their life by hard la bours, IN THE CLAY AND IN BRICK-MAKING,
                and all the works in the plains....” (Sep tu a gint ver sion).

                       This is reiterated in Exodus 5:5-8:

                       And Pha raoh  said, “Look, the
                       peo ple  of the land are many
                       now, and you [Mo ses       and
                       Aaron] make them rest from
                       their la bor!”  So the same day
                       Pha raoh  com manded  the task -
                       mas ters of the peo ple and their
                       of fi cers,  say ing,  “You shall no
                       lon ger give the peo ple straw TO
                       MAKE BRICK as be fore.     Let
                       them go and gather straw for
                       them selves.  And you shall lay
                       on them the QUOTA OF
                       BRICKS which they made be -    Israelite slaves making bricks for Middle Kingdom pyramids
                       fore. You shall not di min ish it.
                       For they are idle; there fore they
                       cry out, say ing, ‘Let us go and sac ri fice to our God.’” (NKJV).

                       We can only con clude from these verses that the main thrust of the Is ra el ites’ work in Egypt
                was MAKING BRICKS. We find no men tion of cut ting or quar ry ing stone, or pre par ing any other
                type of ma te rial.

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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