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                                      The History of the Talis

                                       The Talis -- Its Meaning, Purpose and History

                                                               Mishkan (Holy Tabernacle) were marked
                In  Deuteronomy 22:12 we read: "Thou shalt thusly so they always hung in the very same
                make thee twisted cords upon the four corners  manner (Taamin 45a).
                of thy covering, wherewith thou coverest
                thyself."                                      In the Nehar Mitzraim, Hilchot Tzitzit, chap-
                                                               ter 2, we find:  "The priests cover their heads
                Also, in Numbers 15:37-41 --                   with the talis to contain the light of the Divine
                                                               Presence [Shekinah glory] which descends on
                "And the Lord said unto Moses, saying: Speak   them    when    they    recite  the   priestly
                unto the children of Israel, and bid them, that  benediction."
                they make them fringes in the corners of their
                garments, throughout their generations, and that  According to the Zohar (Exodus 141a), wear-
                they shall put with the fringe of every corner a ing a talis "inspires awe and reverence for
                thread of blue. And it shall be unto you a     God at prayer."
                fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember
                all the commandments of the Lord, and do       The Talis and its wearer never part -- even in
                them; and that ye go not about after your own  death. The pious wrap their deceased in a
                heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to  Talis over his shrouds.
                go astray; that ye may remember, and do all
                My commandments, and be holy unto your         Holy writings and religious articles --
                God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,  wrapped in the Talis -- are always buried
                to be your God: I am the Lord your God."       when unusable; they are never just discarded.

                The Talis is...a religious symbol...a garment...  The Torah commands that tzitzis (fringes) con-
                a shroud...a canopy...a cloak which envelopes  tain a thread of Tichales (blue). The reason for
                the Jew physically and spiritually.            this is contained in Sotah 17b.

                In prayer and in celebration -- joy and sorrow  Blue is like sea,
                -- the Talis has followed the Jew through the  Sea is like sky
                centuries.                                     Sky is like the Throne of the Lord.

                In the  Talmud we read: "The Holy One, The dye used for this color came from a spe-
                Blessed be He, wrapped Himself in a cies of the snail family called Chilazone -- of-
                talis...showing Moses how to pray" (Rosh Ha-   ten identified as the Sepia Officinalis or Helix
                shana 17b).                                    Jointhina. The     Talmud recounts that the
                                                               Chilazone appears only once in seventy years
                Also -- "The Atarah (crown) is usually em-     (Menachot 44a).
                broidered in gold or silver. It is placed at the
                top of the talis so that its outside can be distin-  Rabbinic literature indicates several locations
                guished from its inner. The tent walls of the  for Chilazone:

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