Page 78 - BV3
P. 78
Throughout the ages various styles of Talasim of the first commandments fulfilled by the Isra-
arose. The Yemenite Jews have an all black elites after Moses descended from Sinai with
Talis which is worn during a period of mourn- the Torah.
ing -- the German Jews have an all white Talis
worn on Yom Kippur. As styles changed, pious Jews quickly de-
signed special four-cornered garments to pre-
Old Talasim are scarce because of a beautiful serve this symbol of commandments. The
tradition: burial in the Talis a man had prayed Talmud compares the Talis of the scholar to
in. the Roman Pallium -- a toga worn by distin-
guished personages.
Today's Talis issues from an ancient garb. It
has its origin in the biblical commandments to Beautifying the object used in performing a
wear fringes (tzitzit). In the desert, the ancient mitzvah (cheftzoh shel mitzvah) has been a
Jews donned woven cloaks not unlike the four- Jewish tradition for centuries. Jewish crafts-
cornered Abaya worn at present by the Bedou- men, often housewives, believed that aesthetic
ins. Putting fringes on their garments was one beauty added to religious experience.