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                Ur, and followed the route of their cousins, settling  This distinctive method of building is to be found even
                west of them in what today is known as Galacia. Their  today in countries spread out across the centre of
                name had changed from Ur to ERI! They called them-  Europe, ending in the British Isles, and marking the
                selves the Gaal (Gael) of Sciot (Scots) of Eri. They  main route of the Israel migrations. The roofs of these
                named the great Spanish Peninsula "Iberia" after their  structures were mainly of thatch, replaced in some ar-
                homeland in Ararat, which is to this day called the "Ibe-  eas by slate for permanency. The corner posts were
                rian Peninsula." They raised sheep and cattle. But they  sometimes intricately carved and decorated. This half-
                also hired themselves out as miners to the Phoeni-  timbered method of building is carefully maintained
                cians. Under Eolus their king, they adopted the  and preserved today in many parts of Europe, making a
                Phoenician writing, and kept a record of their activities  commanding memorial to the passage of the children
                in the Chronicles of Eri.                       of Israel north and westward to the Appointed Place.
                                                                Indeed, in the distinctive structure of their buildings
                O'Connor, who translated the Chronicles into English  we have enduring evidence of the slow passage of the
                in 1822, states in his footnotes that Phoenicia, or  tribes of Israel through the forested centre of Europe
                Feinece, means the "land of husbandmen." Further-  to their new home in the British Isles.
                more he explains their origin: "When David, chief of
                the children of Israel, invaded the land of the                  -- J.A.B. Haggart, Wake Up!, June-July 1987.
                Edomites, numbers from the neighbourhood of the
                Red Sea fled, and settled themselves in Phoenicia, that  Plight of the Conversos
                is, in all the sea coasts of Syria from Egypt to Zidon,
                and called themselves Phoenicians in the language of  In a fascinating article for  Time International news-
                Syria." He also writes that "Though the government of
                Sidon (Phoenicia) strove to establish their name  magazine for 4th March, 1991, Elaine DeRosa re-
                throughout (the peninsula), the attempt was always re-  ported on the veils of history being drawn back on the
                sisted by the Iberians, who persisted in distinguishing  descendants of the Sephardic or true "Spanish" Jews in
                their lands by their own names of Gaelag and Buasce."  the South-western United States.
                O'Connor asserts that the word "Gaelag" is synony-
                mous with "miner" and was used by the Hebrews in the  For hundreds of Americans scattered from California
                Old Testament for "miner."                      to Texas -- families that have been Roman Catholic as
                                                                far back as they remember -- over the past five years a
                                                                new heritage has been coning to light that stretches
                     How the Timbered House Evolved             back over 500 years to the days of the Spanish
                Cadiz, or Gades, became the secret centre for the
                skillful manufacture of artifacts made of bronze. This  In 1492, just as Columbus sailed for the Americas,
                metal, an alloy of copper and tin, was in wide demand  Spain was finally united under King Ferdinand and
                because of its hardness and its ability to maintain  Queen Isabella with the conquest of Granada, the last
                sharpness. In husbandry the adze was a new and most  Muslim stronghold on the Iberian (or Hebrew) Penin-
                valuable tool in digging and in shaping timbers into  sula. In the same year, the primacy of Roman Catholi-
                squared posts and beams for building houses. The adze  cism was established with the expulsion of hundreds of
                and other tools made of bronze was the special gift of  thousands of true Israelite Sephardic Jews.
                the Celts to the children of Israel as they escaped from
                captivity in Assyria and made their way through the  The establishment of the Spanish Inquisition in
                forests of Europe toward England. Whereas the Celts  1480-84 and the 700-year-long Christian reconquista
                had followed the rivers and lakes, living in villages set  had already led to the forced conversion of thousands
                upon poles and safely surrounded by water, the Israel-  of Jews, the so-called conversos, who wished to avoid
                ites used the bronze adze and the axe to shape square  expulsion and even death. Jews who wanted to continue
                posts and beams to erect houses upon dry land. The  living in Spain after 1492 had to renounce their faith
                framework of the houses was made up of adze-hewn  publicly, in the triumph of Christianity over the Moor-
                oaken beams with the interspaces filled with what is  ish domination of Spain.
                known as wattle and daub.
                                                                At first, conversos thought that fleeing Spain would
                                                                keep them out of reach of the Inquisition. But the

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