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Confused Identities
Millions of Christians are totally confused
about the relationship between God and Christ
(the Messiah). This confusion between the One
LORD GOD (YHVH) of Israel and His Mes-
siah, i.e., the one He has chosen or anointed,
has led to endless confusion about the role of
the Messiah in the soon coming Kingdom of
God here on this earth.
We hear so much today about the "second com-
ing of Christ" when, in fact, we should more
properly emphasize a different "Second Com-
ing" -- not that of the Messiah but the "Second
Coming" of YEHOVAH GOD Himself! And yet
one NEVER hears it in the so-called Christian
Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of God) churches today.
The Berean Voice Magazine
P.O. Box 6772 The problem is that "Christianity" has lost its
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772 Hebraic roots. Before one tries to understand
U.S.A. the development of the New Testament ideas on
the Messiah and his "second coming", it is es-
Website: sential to first have a thorough grounding in
E-mail: what the Hebrew (Old Testament) Scriptures
actually say.
Editor and Director
Less than a dozen O.T. texts speak of the role of
John D. Keyser Christ at his "second coming." In contrast there
are hundreds of texts in the O.T. that deal -- in
Contributing Writers the greatest detail -- with the end of the age, the
great Day of Judgment and the arrival of YE-
James D. Dwyer HOVAH God. In text after text the role of the
Messiah is not even mentioned -- much less em-
Deborah Taylor phasized. Rather, a more basic teaching of the
Bible is underscored -- that of the Coming of
Technical Advisor YEHOVAH God Himself.
David Hinkley The Old and New Testaments constantly em-
phasize the dramatic, awesome, earth-shaking
Hope of Israel Ministries -- personal return of YEHOVAH Himself to this
planet. They clearly intend to convey an actual,
Taking the Lead in the literal, historical event in the near future --
Search for Truth! something that will be experienced by all the
inhabitants of the earth.
-- John D. Keyser