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                Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                Dear Hope of Israel Ministries:                the above address. I also wish to request a free sub-
                                                               scription for a relative of mine in Illinois...
                I wrote to you a short time ago after reading your ex-
                cellent article, "The Story of the Algonquian Indians."  I may request a subscription for a friend in the future;
                Left out of my letter was the following piece of infor-  also if there is a newsletter that lists other literature
                mation that you may already (or may not) know. I was  that is available I wish to receive it.
                reminded of it by the section in your article "Other
                Evidence" starting on page 15 ("Grave Creek Stone"                                                              Sincerely yours,
                etc.).                                                                                                                      T.D.

                Two pieces of limestone were discovered in the early  Hello.
                1700s near present-day Sherbrooke, Quebec. These
                have, in modern times, been tentatively dated to around  I have a question for you concerning your quote of
                500 B.C. The inscriptions are apparently of Libyan  Matt. 23:1-3. You say verse 3 says "he" meaning
                (Barry Fell reference in your article -- top of page 16  Moses, where I understand it to say "they" meaning the
                -- where he had extracted Libyan among other lan-  scribes and Pharisees. This is interesting because my
                guages from the Algonquian language) origin and have  recent study has been -- do we obey the Jews when it
                been deciphered.                               clearly goes against scripture? For example -- Lev. 23
                                                               tells us how to count Pentecost and it started with the
                The inscription on the first stone is: "Thus far our ex-  waving of the barley. Sometimes the Jews with their
                pedition travelled in service of our revered Lord  fixed calendar counting back from what they like to
                Hiram* to conquer land."                       call the "new year" establish the true new year/new
                                                               moon in the wrong season when the barley isn't even
                On the second stone is: "This is the record of Hanta  ripe for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. I
                who attained the great river and left these words cut in  was told by a rabbi, when asking where in the Torah do
                stone."                                        we find the 7th month to be the new year, he responded
                                                               the Talmud has several new years!
                Whatever it means I'm not sure but I thought I'd pass it
                along.                                         When Christ was on the earth they marked the new
                                                               moon (month) with a visual sighting. I understand why
                * Could this be in reference to Hiram, King of Tyre? If  Hillel felt the need to change this under the circum-
                so, the stones would be closer to 1,000 B.C. but the  stances. But the Jews admit it is not in line with Torah
                tentative dating would be relatively close i.e.  and now we have technology that allows for an accurate
                2500-3000 years old.                           placement of the 1st month (Abib) from Jerusalem.
                                                                                  Yours truly,  They wait for a new Sanhedrin to re-institute the
                                                                                             M.R.  proper calendar. Are we not under the priesthood of
                                                               Melchisedec? Did not the Jews reject Christ? Are we
                                                               not to establish the law? Are we not Jews inwardly i.e.
                Comment: Yes, this could very well be a referrence to
                King Hiram of Tyre. The ancient sea-faring peoples  spiritual Jews? I am shocked at the postponements. I
                had the means to travel to distant lands -- irrespective  never looked into this before because I thought the
                of what modern historians and anthropologists say.  Church of God (WCG), (GCG) were talking about
                Thanks for the information.                    other groups knowing it would be the 1st day of a new
                                                               month and then changing it 1 or 2 days so a Sabbath
                                                               would not be next to Atonement as it is this coming
                I am an inmate at the Indiana State Prison who recently  7th month. Did not the men that buried Saul fast 7
                read an issue of The Berean Voice magazine and was  days? Where is the hardship needing mercy to eat
                richly blessed by it. I am interested in obtaining a free  leftovers -- fruit, bread, etc.? I don't believe it was like
                Trial Subscription to the magazine. You can send it to  this before the temple was destroyed.

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