Page 34 - BV4
P. 34
His name or that of His son -- but that's another story Comment: The March-April issue of The Berean
(article)! Voice contains God's sacred calendar for the year
Dear Sir,
Please send me any free information. I would espe- Dear Mr. Keyser,
cially like to know about the Sabbath and the tribes of In reference to your previous request, I have finally
Israel. I have read about Moses and King Solomon (who completed a new study entitled: "A New Look at the
both married and had children with women outside of Christian Sabbath." It was first posted yesterday, and as
their tribe) and was wondering if their children are con- of this morning I posted a corrected version (Version
sidered to be from the tribe on their father's side. Also, 110799)...
if a person is supposed to marry into the tribe of their
father's. To download the new study, please navigate to and then to the Free Book
My mother is Mexican, and my Dad is 1/2 Danish 1/2 Shop, and click on the third title. (I can produce the
German and his Dad was Danish. Also, where are the document in a different format if you need it).
Egyptians and is Israel going back to Egypt/Africa?
Thank you very much for reading my letter. This last week one of our correspondents referred me
W.H. to your web site, and I was surprised to discover that
you apparently are associated with CG. My wife and I
Comment: I don't believe there is such a thing as a are former members of the parent group WCG. We at-
"pure" race left on the face of the earth! We are all a tended some years back (when we lived over in Illi-
mixture of many different races and backgrounds if we nois). In Spokesmen's Club over there, we were
care to trace our lineage. God is not so much con- assigned Bible study questions (to prepare and formally
cerned about the "race" of our mate (or future mate) as present). At any rate, I was assigned the topic: Which
He is about the fundamental beliefs of our mate. God Day Is the Sabbath?...and -- for some reason -- I'm still
wants us to marry someone who obeys His laws and attempting to prepare that assignment.
who can raise our children in His knowledge and truth.
Once here in Missouri, we loosely followed the CGI
Dear John: group (reading their literature, and listening to tapes). I
Have been studying your materials about the Sabbath attempted to get an answer from both Pasadena and
and calendar. Had a friend in Florida get your informa- from Tyler concerning a lunar-based Sabbath about 2
tion for me from your web site. 1/2 years back. Pasadena stated an extremely liberal po-
sition which didn't actually exclude lunar-based Sabbath
We have been developing our own moon calendar and observance.
discovering that the present Roman calendar is not ac-
curate for the Sabbaths or Holy Days.
In the absence of any explicit denial -- and even with
mild approval from Pasadena -- we opened up a forum
What I need is for you to share your twelve month cal- on the Internet (A-Quest-For-Creation-Answers) in the
endar with me so that I can further understand your furtherance of gleaning information on this important
complete thoughts. To know when you start your New topic.
Moon, on the day following conjunction or the night of
the first crescent? Seems to me, it's up for grabs.
In the last two years we have made a number of signifi-
cant breakthroughs in perhaps better understanding the
There's much more I would like to say and discuss with
you, but it would probably come to nothing. If you need original Sabbath Calendar (first in discerning the
some money for the information or paper work, just let Sabbath as an interface with the lunar-phase, and more
us know and we would be glad to share a gift with you. recently, as understanding the Sabbath Cycle in almost
perfect interface with the annual circuit). I hope to be
May Yahshua bless your efforts, able to compile and present some additional
D. and G. C. information shortly, and I will try to inform you when it
is online.
J. and S. D.