Page 35 - BV4
P. 35
There are curently two locations in the city of Jerusalem that
claim to be the site of Yeshua's death and burial. Can we
know, then, the CORRECT site of the greatest sacrifice in the
history of mankind? Read about the tearing of the Temple cur-
tain and the meaning of the phrase "outside the camp," and
how these can point us to "The Place of the [Adam's] Skull."
Discover the awesome symbolism of the sacrifice of the Red
Heifer and how Yeshua satisfied all the requirements of the
Mosaic and Roman Law as He hung on the TREE overlooking
the eastern wall of the Temple!
By John D. Keyser
As a tourist in the holy city of Jerusalem, the tour guides will take you to all the customary
points of interest. If your interest is history, you will probably be shown the archaeological sites of
the city, including Hezekiah's tunnel and the Temple wall. If you are seeking your traditional
Christian roots, all the places Jesus trod with sandaled feet will be shown to you, marked by some
sort of Catholic shrine or church.
Without a doubt, you will end up, sooner or later, at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
where, according to Catholic tradition, Christ suffered and died on the cross.
If your beliefs are more fundamentalist, you will probably be shuttled over to the rapidly
eroding hill outside the Damascus Gate -- known as "Jeremiah's Grotto" -- with its outline and
caves that somewhat resemble the human skull. Here, you will be told, is the ACTUAL place
where Christ died! A short distance from this small hill the Garden Tomb of Christ will be pointed
out to you.
It seems as if there is a site for every taste or belief in this city of "peace"!
Whichever site you choose to believe is the scene of the greatest death in history, you will
probably stand there with bated breath and awe written all over your face as the tour guide goes
through his or her ritual spiel! In all probability, as you stand there, you will little realize that NEI-
more, most of you will be totally unaware that the site covered by the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre represents one of the greatest Jewish hoaxes in the last 2,000 years!