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But YEHOVAH never legislated on this point. There is no special command anywhere in
the Bible defining travel on the Sabbath. However, one shouldn't walk or drive so far on the Sab-
bath as to become unduly tired or have his worship of YEHOVAH interfered with.
As far as YEHOVAH is concerned, taking a refreshing walk is fine so long as it doesn't
turn into a "hike." Driving to a nearby park to enjoy a relaxing family picnic is fine so long as it
doesn't turn into a long trip.
The questions you need to ask yourself are these: "Why do I want to travel on the Sabbath?
Do I need to travel on the Sabbath? Is it to worship and glorify YEHOVAH? Will this traveling
help me to keep YEHOVAH's Sabbath holy? Or is it merely for such pleasure-seeking which will
deprive me of the ability to properly worship YEHOVAH? You will have to ask and answer these
questions for yourself, and act accordingly.
It is not wrong to have a picnic lunch with the family or friends on the Sabbath. This could
be a beneficial diversion and a relaxation. However, our thoughts should always be centered on
YEHOVAH -- His ways, His purpose, His creation -- on this day.
Sabbath Visitors
From time to time unconverted friends and relatives may come to visit on the Sabbath.
What should be done? There are no hard and fast rules regarding this. Again, every set of circum-
stances is different. We must learn to use wisdom in each and every case.
If visitors are old friends or relatives from out of town who have traveled some distance to
visit you, then be as hospitable as possible. Invite them in. Let your light shine. If visitors are
neighbors or in-town relatives, be hospitable and friendly.
However, if certain individuals make it a practice of visiting you on the Sabbath, it might
be best to tactfully tell the people involved that you believe this day to be YEHOVAH's Sabbath,
and ask if you could get together with them some other time. Every situation requires a different
answer. You simply have to act with wisdom as the problem arises.
Of course, if you are living a Christian life, the chances are close friends, neighbors and
relatives already know you keep the Sabbath.
Instruct Your Children
The Sabbath affords a wonderful opportunity for you to train and teach your children. YE-
HOVAH inspired Solomon to write: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old,
he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).
This command would certainly apply to teaching your child to keep the Sabbath. However,
you should remember that even sweet little children are self-centered. They understandably lack
the comprehension to keep YEHOVAH's Law like an adult can. With this principle in mind,