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                           Hidden "Codes" in the

                                         Biblical Text?

                                                       David Maas

                     During the last decade the notion that hid-       The  classic example used to demonstrate
                den codes are "embedded" in the Hebrew text    ELS occurs in Genesis 1:1-5a. Starting with
                of the Old Testament (OT) has become of        the last letter of the first word of the Bible, the
                great interest to evangelical and some Jewish  tau roughly corresponding to our "t," and
                circles. The idea has grown sufficiently in    counting forward in intervals of forty-nine
                popularity to spawn over two dozen books (in-  characters, one discovers that the Hebrew
                cluding at least one New York Times bestsel-   word for "instruction" or "law" (torah) is
                ler), several commercially available software  spelled out every fiftieth letter. (Chuck
                packages (for "decoding" the codes), a number  Missler, The Cosmic Codes, pp. 126-129).
                of television interviews and program episodes  We will return to this example in a moment.
                about the code, and at least one commercially
                viable Hollywood movie.                              The relatively recent awareness of the
                                                               Code is due to technological advances. Prior
                     There are different nuances and complexi-  to the advent of the modern computer it was
                ties to this Code depending on which propo- extremely tedious to find such "codes" by
                nent one listens to, but the underlying        counting Hebrew characters manually (the ba-
                methodology is quite simple. The Code is re-   sic thought that "hidden codes" of various
                ferred to as "Equidistant Letter Sequences," or  types exist in the Hebrew text goes back at
                ELS. The theory is that hidden words and sen-  least to the  Kabbalah of medieval Jewish
                tences can be found "embedded" in the He-      mysticism (Gershom Scholem,  Kabbalah, pp.
                brew text of the OT by counting Hebrew         337-343)). Yet today computers running ap-
                letters at equally spaced intervals. That is, a propriate software can quickly scan the He-
                person can locate certain meaningful words or brew text and detect a variety of "embedded
                phrases, such as "hammer" and "anvil," if he   messages" (several such programs can be
                examines the letters at sequences that were    downloaded from the Internet). By using com-
                equally spaced in the Hebrew text. Thus, "if he  puters Code proponents claim to have discov-
                found the first letter of a significant word such  ered thousands of words and sentences
                as Torah, and then, by skipping forward seven  "embedded" in most or all sections of the O.T.
                letters he found the second letter of the word
                Torah, he would continue to skip forward the       The import assigned to the ELS codes is
                same number of letters to see whether or not   that their existence "proves" that the Bible, at
                the complete word Torah was spelled out in least the OT, is "divine rather than human in
                the text at equally spaced intervals" (Grant   origin" (some Code proponents also claim to
                Jeffrey, The Signature of God, pp. 255-256).   have discovered messages "embedded" in the
                                                               Greek text of the NT (Grant Jeffrey,  The

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