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                Mysterious Bible Codes, p. 169-179)). Be-      the question: do we today have a version of
                cause numerous authors wrote the OT over a     the Hebrew text that is letter-for-letter the
                period of about one thousand years, it is for all  same as the text as originally written?
                practical purposes impossible for thousands of
                coded messages based on ELS to have been                    A Basic Premise
                "encoded" in the OT text by human design.
                Therefore, the argument goes, the only reason-       By its very nature the ELS Code demands
                able conclusion is that the Code (and thus the  the acceptance of an essential presupposition,
                OT) is divine or supra-human in origin.        namely that the Hebrew text we have today is
                                                               letter-for-letter precisely the same as the text
                    Scholars of various disciplines have of-   originally penned by the various authors of the
                fered a variety of criticisms of the Code.     OT. That is, in order for the Code to work, not
                Mathematicians argue that statistically such   only must our present Hebrew text preserve
                "codes" or patterns will occur by chance in    the same number of characters as contained in
                any text of similar length to the OT, particu-  the original, but the letters also must be in the
                larly one that includes no vowels as in the He-  same  order as first written. This necessity is
                brew text (John Weldon, Decoding the Bible easily demonstrated with a simple example. In
                Code, p. 94). Hebrew grammarians point out     the character string "sdwdClko wOqwo dDpo
                the liberties that Code proponents take with   kjEmnx" the word "code" is found by using
                the consonantal Hebrew text. In biblical He-   every fifth letter. However, by simply insert-
                brew vowels were not written, only conso-      ing the single character "e" after the "C"
                nants. Vowels were supplied when someone       ("sdwdCelko      Woqwo      Ddpo kJemnx")my
                read the text. In many cases which vowels are  "code" now produces the nonsensical word
                supplied affects not only pronunciation but    "cwdj.) Hence my Code is invalidated by a
                also the meaning of a word. For example, the   change of one or more characters. The thesis
                common Hebrew noun for "word" (dabar) is       that today we have a pristine copy of the origi-
                written with the consonants d-b-r, the two     nal Hebrew text is the issue upon which the
                vowels (-a-a-) being supplied by the reader.   validity of the Code stands or falls.
                Yet the same three consonants supplied instead
                with the vowels -e-e- (deber) form a word          Code proponents instinctively understand
                meaning "pestilence." This and other charac-   the necessity of accepting this premise in order
                teristics of the Hebrew language make it fairly  for the Code to work. Thus they either state or
                easy to find or force specific meanings into a  infer that the Hebrew text we have today has
                given string of consonants (Phil Stanton, The  been preserved without change or error since
                Bible Code: Fact or Fake? pp. 35038). Oth-     its inception. Note the following comments:
                ers point to the failure of Code proponents to
                consider the thousands of textual variants that  "The three Torahs in use worldwide among
                exist among the various manuscripts of the OT.  the Jews -- the Ashkenazi, the Sephardi, and
                Variant readings that add to or delete letters  the Yemenite -- have only nine letter-level
                from the Hebrew text, whether or not they variations total in the entire 304,805 letters of
                change the substantive meaning of a passage, the text!" (Chuck Missler, The Cosmic Codes,
                will certainly affect any "Code" based on      p. 123).
                counting character intervals between letters.
                                                               "Details of today's world are encoded in a text
                     But there is one problem with the Code that  that has been set in stone for hundreds of
                completely invalidates it. First we must ask   years, and has existed for thousands of years.

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