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But that doesn't mean that you should leave the house in shambles! Again, use wisdom. Do
what is necessary. But don't get involved in housework.
Television and Radio
Often a person will ask if he can watch television or listen to the radio on the Sabbath.
This is another area where YEHOVAH does not specifically legislate. But the principle is clear.
YEHOVAH's Sabbath is holy. Most television programs consist of sports events, movies, variety
shows or other such programs. They do not help you to keep YEHOVAH's Sabbath day holy.
Therefore, you should not be spending valuable time on YEHOVAH's Sabbath watching televi-
sion. The same holds true for radio programs.
There can be exceptions, however. It is not wrong to listen to a particularly good news
program on the Sabbath. Also, from time to time, some special documentaries showing prophecy
being fulfilled are broadcast on the Sabbath. But be sure you do not use such liberty as license to
keep the television or radio on for an excessive amount of time -- thus breaking the Sabbath.
A certain amount of relaxing, subdued, enjoyable background music can add to the Sabbath
atmosphere, and help make it a delight. But listening to secular music for sheer entertainment to
while away the Sabbath is a sin. What pleases YEHOVAH is our participating in singing songs
and psalms of praise to Him -- especially on the Sabbath.
Enjoy YEHOVAH's Sabbath
As you can readily see, multitudes of questions could arise about keeping the Sabbath.
However, most of those questions can be easily answered if we keep in mind the basic purpose of
the Sabbath day.
Remember! The Sabbath is YEHOVAH's day -- the day He made holy. It is not only a day
of physical rest and relaxation from the toil of the week, but it is also a spiritual BLESSING. It is a
day that renews our bond with YEHOVAH.
Use YEHOVAH's Sabbath! Use wisdom in observing it! Be BALANCED in your approach
to the Sabbath. Be neither hypocritical, self-righteous, Pharisaical; nor haphazard, sloppy, unmind-
ful. So KEEP HOLY the day YEHOVAH made holy! REJOICE in the blessings and opportunities
that the Sabbath affords, and remember that it is an identifying sign of direct relationship between
you and your Creator.
Make Way
Make way through the turmoil of the times. He comes to judge the nations and to reign
Make a highway for the Prince of Peace... -- on the throne of ancient Israel --
Clear a path through trial and turbulence. In David's city -- New Jerusalem --
Bid violence subside and anger cease. reclaimed by Britain from the infidel
Make way through the chaos of the world. As foretold in Daniel's prophecy;
A royal route prepare for Yeshua the king... the power of Evil curbed, the power of Love set
Make way for the lord of all to ride -- free.
the road of glory, truth and light to bring. -- Patience Strong