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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 14
participating in YEHOVAH’s plan has not yet 1. What happens to the “seed” of
come. (Romans 11:26, II Peter 3:9, 10, and I spiritual truth when it falls by the wayside?
Timothy 2:3-4.) Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23. Notice especially
3. Were the vast majority in the verses 4 and 19. Did these people ever
Messiah’s day receptive to the witness he gave understand their part in YEHOVAH God’s
them? John 5:18 and 10:31. Master Plan? Verse 19.
COMMENT: The Judeans of Yeshua’s COMMENT: These people hear the
day tried several times to kill him for what he warning message of YEHOVAH God’s
was saying. Finally they succeeded in murdering ministers but never comprehend the implications
the saviour of mankind. of what they hear. The message of YEHOVAH
4. Did Yeshua the Messiah disturb the God’s coming Kingdom and YEHOVAH’s
blindness of the Israelites of his time? Mark Master Plan makes no impression on them.
4:11-12. Do you catch the SIGNIFICANCE of 2. What happens to the seed as it falls on
this verse? Why did Yeshua the Messiah speak stony ground? Verses 5-6 and 20-21. Did these
in parables? Was it, as you may have heard, to people originally begin on YEHOVAH’s plan
make his meaning CLEARER? Verse 12. Isn’t happily? Verse 20. But when the going became
this merely a fulfillment of the prophecy of difficult, were they able by their own human
Isaiah? Isaiah 28:11-13. Did YEHOVAH God power to continue? Verses 6 and 21.
want them to understand with their hearts? Same COMMENT: These people gratefully
verse. receive the Messiah’s Passover sacrifice as
COMMENT: A man’s heart in biblical payment for their past sins. They begin to try to
symbolism is the seat of intellect -- the mind. obey YEHOVAH God -- unleavening their lives
5. Is it possible for any person with a -- but they don’t seek the help of His powerful
carnal, natural mind to fully understand the holy spirit. Therefore they have no depth! Soon
things of YEHOVAH God? I Corinthians 2:14. the spiritual life -- a germ of strength -- dies.
How are SPIRITUAL THINGS known and They have failed to CONTINUE in the purpose
understood? Same verse, see also Romans for which they have been born.
8:7-8, and Ephesians 4:18. 3. What of the seed as it falls among the
6. Are people in our modern twenty-first thorns? Verses 7 and 22. Does this group bring
century able to understand YEHOVAH’s plan, forth fruit -- obedience to YEHOVAH’s
or are they, too, blinded to it? Will it be the great commands -- or are they too busy with the selfish
majority, or only the few, who understand cares of this degenerating world? Verse 22.
YEHOVAH’s plan today? Matthew 7:13-14. 4. Who is it then that brings forth
spiritual fruit? Verses 8 and 23. Do these people
A Parable Tells really understand YEHOVAH’s Master Plan?
Verse 23. Have they allowed YEHOVAH God
Today the keys that unlock the secrets of to work in their lives -- helping them to
YEHOVAH’s Plan are available. Because of overcome their human nature? Same verse. Do
YEHOVAH’s mercy you don’t have to remain they BEGIN TO GROW SPIRITUALLY --
blinded, but now you TOO CAN imbibing of YEHOVAH’s own character by
have wanted to know for thousands of years! they become mature, fruit-bearing Christians?
Now understand the most important Same verse, see also Luke 8:15.
parable Yeshua ever uttered. It’s found in COMMENT: These people become a
Matthew 13. part of the HARVEST OF FIRSTFRUITS. All
Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan